Got tagged 4

66 11 92

This time I was tagged by my good friend sophiatw2495

In this chapter, I'm answering the 30 facts challenge. I'm going to tell y'all 30 things about me and whoever I tag should do the same.

1. I've never had a pet.

2. My favorite tv show when I was a child was Hannah Montana and I knew all the songs by heart.

3. My least favorite villain is Thanos.

4. I love writing novels and fan fiction a lot. Like A LOT (It's my oxygen).

5. I use IMovie to make my videos.

6. My least favorite color is beige. It's so... lifeless (to me at least).

7. I used to play basketball and soccer at school. I was very good at both but I haven't played either in almost three years.

8. I love martial arts and I want to learn one someday. Specially Aikido and Krav Maga.

9. My brain tells me to become a doctor or a lawyer, but my heart tells me that I should be a screenwriter (It's my dream).

10. I'm a feminist and I'm proud to be one. I can't stand sexism, racism, homophobia or any other kind of discrimination.

11. I hate volleyball (sorry sophiatw2495) because I'm terrible at it and there were plenty of mean girls who drove me nuts when I tried to play on the school team.

12. I don't eat anything spicy, with mint or that smells like coffee.

13. I send everything I write to my grandpa. He's the biggest fan of my books. He reads everything I write if it's in Portuguese (he doesn't speak English).

14. There are at least three men called Antonio in my family (it's crazy! They could open an Antonio club there).

15. I try to take criticism well but I always end up angry or sad.

16. I have Italian, Spanish and Slovakian heritage.

17. I've written 14 books but I can't publish them all since many of them I wrote when I was younger.

18. I hated Loki when I first saw him on The Avengers, but I started to love him after his appearance on Thor: The Dark World.

19. I think Marvel is better than DC.

20. I have a tiny scar under my right eyebrow that I got after an accident playing basketball.

21. My team and I won a bronze medal once when I played soccer at school.

22. I feel like I'm not being 100% myself when I speak English. I can express myself better in my native language. (You probably know what I mean here, não é mesmo? GetLost_Squidward).

23. I think Billie Eilish is very overrated (just an opinion!).

24. My favorite singers are Ariana Grande and Katy Perry.

25. I don't like wearing high heels. I love looking at them, but wearing? Hard pass.

26. I could stay and watch tv all day without getting sick of it. Same with writing.

27. I used to know all the songs from Phineas and Ferb, but just in Portuguese. 

28. My hair gets huge and frizzy when I'm in somewhere humid.

29. I love mango, strawberry, watermelon and fig.

30. I've always loved sunglssses. They're so stylish.

To complete the challenge I tag (NO NEED TO COMPLETE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO! It's just an INVITATION!)














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