Got tagged 6

34 6 21

Hey, everyone! I was tagged by the wonderful Crystalie04! Love you 3000!! :-)

Here are 10 things about me:

1. I sang "Part of Me" by Katy Perry at my school's talent show when I was 10. Believe it or not, I even wore a blue wig, scarves and a pink tiara to look like Katy;

2. I have a major crush on Steve McGarrett from Hawaii 5-0;

3.  I knew all the songs from Hannah Montana by heart when I was younger. "The Best of Both Worlds" was my favorite;

4. I'm better at inorganic chemistry than at organic;

5. My first book ever was a fanfiction where Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff had different names and loved each other;

6.  I don't like handshakes, so give me a hug if you want to make me happy;

7. I believe my eyes are green although some people say they are blue;

8. My favorite kind of cat is Ragdoll;

9. I love kids;

10. I don't watch horror movies.

I tag the following people to do the same as me (it's just an invitation, you don't have to do it if you don't want to):











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