Moving Ed: Part 3

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It took a total of five seconds before I snapped at everyone. Everyone was crowding me and asking questions. "ENOUGH!" I yelled angrily. It was the only way for them to stop. Everyone froze but started slowly backing away. "I need to ask a question," I stated. "Who the hell threw me into the forest?" I asked sinisterly. "It was the no-brain ed boy!" Rolf spoke up, which I turned to him. "Why would Ed do that?" I asked again. Rolf and Kevin shared nervous glances.

*flashback/3rd person P.O.V.*

Eddy glanced over at you talking to Rolf and Kevin. "We have to get her away from them!" Eddy whispered. "I can do it Eddy!" Ed stated. Eddy pushed Ed out and he ran towards you. He picked you up and threw you into the woods. Nazz, Kevin, Sarah and Jimmy all screamed your name is you flew into a the trees. "DID YOU JUST THROW HER INTO THE FOREST?!" Double D screamed. "Sorry! Eddy said get her away from them!" Ed exclaimed. "YOU BETTER GO FIND HER, OR ELSE!!!" Sarah screamed. Which was enough for Ed to pick up Double D and Eddy.

*end flashback/your P.O.V.*

"Really...? Ed threw me into the woods to get me away from you?" I asked. I am going to kill him. We heard screaming. Screaming that sounded a lot like the eds. I sighed and started to run towards where I heard the screaming. I ran to the junkyard to find an odd sight. The three girls from before kissing the eds, but the eds looked distraught and disgusted. All six of them looked over to me when the heard me sigh. "What's going on here?" I asked coldly. "None of your business!" Screamed the red headed girl. The boys called for help and I decided to give the what they want. I grabbed the girls by the collars of their shirts and threw them away. "Ugh, you guys look awful," I said with disgust. They were covered in lipstick marks and they were soaking wet and covered with leaves. I walked over to Ed and punched him in the face. "That was for throwing me into the woods." I stated without emotion. Then I patted his head as he teared up and held his face. I punch hard. "Th-thank you Y/N... But was p-punching him really necessary?" Double D asked. I glared at him with a death glare. I could basically see the shiver run down his spine. "Was getting me away from Kevin and Rolf really necessary?" I asked, my voice filled with malice. All three of them avioded eye contact, knowing the harsh glare they would get. "Look toots, we just don't want you to hate us like the rest of them," Eddy claimed. I raised my ebrow, but chuckled. "You didn't have to give me an extreme headache and maybe a concussion just to talk to me," I said. My frown suddenly turned to a smile. They were all surprised by the sudden appearance of a smile on my face. I just shook my head and started to walk away, leaving them in absolute shock. I was about to start walking back to the cul-de-sac when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look around to see it belonged to Double D. "M-may I help y-y-you with th-those wounds you h-have?" He asked. I sighed and nodded, walking back with him. Leaving Ed and Eddy behind while they looked in frustration. They had definitely made a bet to see who could win my heart first, there was no doubt about it.

*3rd person P.O.V.*

"Of course sockhead would want to help her, it will just screw up my plan!" Eddy grumbled to himself.

We look over to see the other kids in the cul-de-sac. All of them worried what happened. "I bet those were the kankers that had them! She's doomed!" Kevin said. All of them making up a plan to go save you, only Nazz noticed you and Double D walking side by side, Double D still soaking wet and covered in leaves, but no longer covered in kiss marks. You were walking next to him, looking bruised and beat up still. Your knees and elbows were scraped, you were covered in other minor scrapes, and you had probably had a concussion. Everyone thought that the kankers or even the eds did that, until they remembered that you were thrown into a forest, that would probably cause all the wounds that you have. Needless to say, you both looked like a total wreck. You both were silent though, which slightly calmed Kevin before you decided to start a conversation.

*Y/N's P.O.V*

"So, why does everyone hate you?" I asked out of nowhere. He looked towards me before blushing, noticing how close we were. "W-well, Eddy-" "No, I don't want to know why the other kids hate Eddy. I want to know why they hate you," I stated, completely cutting him off. "W-well... It is b-because... Um... I-I hang out with E-Ed and Eddy. I a-also build m-most of the sc-scams... And..." He trailed off, trying to find reasons that don't include Ed or Eddy. "So what you're saying is that they hate you because you hang out with people you consider your friends?" I questioned. Double D only nodded in response. We finally reached his house. I held open the door for him. "Gentlemen first," I said with a smirk. He looked at me confused before walking in. I walked in after him and lightly shut the door. We headed towards the couch after I removed my shoes. "O-okay... I'm going to go and dr-dry off... Y-you stay here a-and bandage yourself u-up," He instructed. I nodded and he handed me a medical kit and ran upstairs. I started bandaging myself up.
*small time skip*
I almost had finished bandaging myself when Double D came carefully running down the stairs. I finished off with the bandages, and Double D approached me. "Are you doing ok?" He asked me. I nodded in response. He frowned for some reason, probably because I was just frowning and staring off into space. "H-how about we go b-back outside?" He suggested. I shrugged my shoulders and started going outside. Everyone looked relieved when I walked out first with a frown and the new bandaids. I walked over towards Nazz. "Hey dude, are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," I replied nonchalantly. I looked up and saw where the sun was at, it was sunset. "We better start heading inside before it gets dark," I said, looking back at her. "Alright, night dude!" She called to me as I was heading back to my house. I entered my house and went to my room. I changed into my F/C pajamas and crawled into my bed. I just layed in my bed and recalled the entire day. I chuckled and started drifting off to sleep. This was a very eventful first day.

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