Up, Up and Ed

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We were on the plane since, unfortunately, we had to go back. I had my head on Rolf's shoulder since I was very tired and it was midnight. My eyes were still heavy, but open. I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier until I give in and shut my eyes. I fell asleep very quickly and started dreaming.

*2nd P.O.V.*

Rolf was stiff and his face was redder than a tomato. Nazz quitely giggled and Rolf gave her a glare. Eddy looked over his seat to see the position you and Rolf were in and gave Rolf a hard glare. Eddy inhaled and started yelling random stuff, waking up everyone in the plane. Your eyes snapped open and you slapped and punched Eddy. "You do that again and I will kill you." You threaten. You sit back down and place your head back onto Rolf's shoulder. Double D looks at Eddy as he sat back down, confused and frustrated. "Why did you do that?!" Double D whispered. "Just, look!" Eddy whispered back, pushing Double D up. He looked at your cute sleeping form, then Rolf, who had also fallen asleep, his head placed on yours and his arm around you. Double D went back down. "So? She's just tired," Double D whispered and shrugged. "So? So?! She's obviously falling for Rolf!" Eddy whisper yelled. "Or maybe she's falling asleep," Double D whispers back snarkily and folding his arms above his chest. Eddy rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair. Kevin looked over at you and Rolf and gets angry. Jimmy handed Sarah a quarter. They had made a bet on who you would snuggle up to while you slept, and Jimmy had bet on Nazz.

Nazz noticed that the seatbelt signal had turned on and shook you and Rolf awake. "Guys, we gotta put on our seatbelts"
You grumbled and did so and so did Rolf after blushing a cherry red.

*Y/N's P.O.V.*

We walked out of the plane and walked back to our houses with our luggage. I immediately flopped on my bed and passed out.


It was the next day. Can I just sleep forever? Probably not, so I get ready for the day and eat some breakfast. I heard knocking on my door and grumbled as I yelled "IT'S OPEN!"
Double D stepped into my house and found me in the kitchen, my head on the table. "H-hello Y/N, Eddy asked me to ask you if you want to help us test our new contraption?"
I sighed and slammed my face onto the table. "Ugh. Yeah, sure, whatever," I grumbled, my voice muffled from my face being against the table. I groggily get up and walk next to Edd. We headed to the junkyard and saw the 'newest contraption'. It was a wood, and it kinda looked like a slot machine. The machine only had two slots, and it had a picture of Nazz on the left, and Kevin on the right. There was also a lever on the side of it, probably to start up the slot machine. "What's this for?" I asked. "Well, Y/N, this is the date-o-matic. It will automatically choose two people that it thinks is correct, and they can either date or not," Edd explained. I narrowed my eyes at the three boys and pull the lever of the machine. The picture of Kevin started spinning rapidly until... landing on Eddy. I thought of something and switched the picture from Nazz to Sarah, and pulled the lever. It landed on Eddy again. Okay, this can't be a coincidence. I switch the picture from Sarah to Edd, and pull the lever. Yep, it was Eddy again. "Really?" I ask with a monotone voice, turning towards the boys. I hold my head in my hands as I walk away from them, not really wanting to deal with this. I stomp on a couple flowers as I enter the park, chuckling as I do so.

I was sitting on the sidewalk while drawing when I hear the annoying voice of Eddy. It was muffled by music that was playing in my headphones, but I knew he was promoting that date machine. Suddenly I felt someone poke my shoulder and I turned around to see Nazz, smiling. "Hey, dude, I did the date machine and guess who I got?"
I blinked a couple of times then tilted my head. "Me? Huh, interesting."
She sat down next to me and looked over my shoulder as I drew. "Why are you drawing a pie?" She asked. I sighed. "I... Don't wanna talk about."
"C'mon, you can tell me!"
I sighed and put my chin on my hand as I contemplated telling her. "My neighbors really didn't like my family, so they gave us a pie, made out of buttercups. The thing about the flower buttercup... is that it's poisonous. So, of course, they used a mixture of buttercups and atropa belladona, but only my sister and mom ate the pie. They got really sick and... passed away."
I sighed again as I finished, turning to Nazz to see she was holding her mouth in shock. "Dude, I'm so sorry-" "Don't be. It wasn't your fault, and it wasn't mine. It was those evil people."
I grumbled under my breath and got up, offering a hand. "Where are we goin'?"
"Snow cone."
She chuckled and held my hand as we walked towards the snow cone shop.

Bittersweet | Ed Edd N Eddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now