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Adam's POV

I was awoken by Emily shouting that our newest tiktok had gone viral. I picked up my phone and took it off charge and went onto tiktok to see how 'viral' it had gone, my sister had a tendency to overreact and would probably say that a video with 1000 likes had gone viral.

After a while of scrolling through tiktok I decide to get up and I put on a tank top, jeans and my fedora. I love my fedora.

For lunch we have pizza, pizza is my favourite food but since we're vegan we have to eat vegan pizza. Vegan pizza is not good.
I wish my family were normal and let me eat real pizza and go to real school.

After lunch Emily forces us to go outside and make tiktoks. I hate making tiktoks but it's easier to just go along with it and pretend like I'm having fun than to argue with my siblings.

After filming the tiktoks I decide that I'm going to workout since I've got nothing better to do, I wanna look like those boys on tiktok who have all the girls thirsting over them.

I work out for about half an hour until Emily comes in and bothers me, she's so annoying.
We used to be super close when we were younger but not anymore

"Wanna make a tiktok together" she asks

"No, leave me alone" I say back

She then storms out and goes to the family room

My siblings are always in the family room hanging out together which I personally think is quite weird, I just want to be by myself I don't want to be around them all the time. They think I'm mean for not wanting to be with them all the time but I think I'm normal.

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