Where am I going to stay?

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Trigger warning: anxiety and panic attacks

I just kept running and running. I had no clue where I was now. It had started to ran so I walked into an ally and just broke. I just cried and cried shaking violently. I eventually fell asleep.
(Romans POV)
As I was walking home from work it started to rain. My eyes were just aimlessly wondering until I saw something. It didn't look like it was supposed to be there. I walked over to it then I realize it wasn't an it but a him. It look like he had been crying. It was very cold so I decided to take him back to my place. I gently picked him up and he was shivering. My place wasn't very far from where he was so it wasn't a long walk. I didn't notice he had nuzzled into my chest. I didn't know what had happened to him but I wanted to protect him from it.

(Virgils POV)
I didn't know what was happening but I was warm.It felt nice so I nuzzle closer into.It smelt nice like berries.
A couple minutes later..

(Romans POV)
I carefully unlocked the door to my apartment making sure not to wake the sleeping boy in my arms. Once I got into my apartment I took off my shoes and went to my bedroom. I tried setting him down in the bed but he wouldn't let go of me. I eventually gave up and laid down with him and fell asleep.

(Virgils POV)
It was warm I wanted to get closer but then realized that I was in bed with a person.I immediately jumped out of the bed getting tangled in the sheets and falling over. The other person jumped up in surprise. I started having a panic attack because I didn't know where I was who I was in bed with or how I was here. It started feeling like someone was strangling me it was so hard to breath.

(Romans POV)
I woke up to a loud crash I jumped up and realized the boy was awake. He started to freak out and looked like he was having a panic attack. I immediately went over to comfort him but he just scooted away and looked like he was having trouble breathing. I tried to ease my way to him but he was really scared.

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