Why me??

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Trigger warning:

(Virgils POV)
"Oh god I need to go back home!!"I thought to my self as I was eating the lucky charms this man had served me. "What is your name?" I asked the strange man that had sat next to me at the kitchen island. "My name is Roman. What is yours?" He replied. "My name is Virgil..." I said weakly. He smiled really brightly. "I-I have to go h-home" I said very shakily.

(Romans POV)
He sounded very scared when he said he needed to go home.  He got up to leave but I grabbed his forearm. He flinched again. "I'm really worried for him" I thought to myself. "You can stay here if you want to." I gave him a small smile. He seemed frightened by the mention of staying here.

(Virgils POV)
He had my forearm but I just yanked it out of his grip and ran out the door. "He is going to kill me." I stepped into this small café as I was walking home. I went to order and this man with a really bright smile and very peppy attitude greeted me and asked me for my order.

(Patton's POV)
"Hello!! My name is Patton!! What would you like on this wonderful day." I said with a cheery smile. He said "Just a plain black coffee." "Can I have a name for that order?" I asked politely "Virgil" he answered. "LOGAN!! ONE PLAIN BLACK COFFE PLEASE!!" I called back to my coworker in the back "Coming right up!!" He answered. "Your order will be right out!" I said to the young man standing in front of me.

(Virgils POV)
I went to find a table when he walked in."where did you go last night!?!" He said louder than needed. "I slept in an ally. Okay?" I answered a little nervously. "I know your lying angsty~" He said with that evil hiss that's always under his voice when he is mad. "I'm not lying Janus." I said now a little angry. "ONE PLAIN BLACK COFFEE FOR VIRGIL!!" The cashier "Patton" I think he was called yelled.

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