Im not going to hurt you

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(Virgils POV)
He got out of bed and came over to me. He tried to touch me but I scooted away quickly. I didn't want him to hurt me. I muttered out "please don't hurt me." I started crying because I was scared and didn't know what to.

(Romans POV)
Those few words just broke my heart. He thought I was trying to hurt him. I smiled softly and said "I will never hurt you." He visibly eased up. I tried to touch him. When I did he flinched but I just put my hand on his shoulder. He was still crying and shaking but it looked like he calmed down.

(Virgils POV)
When he smiled so softly and placed his hand on my shoulder I knew he wasn't here to hurt me. I just fell into his chest and started crying even more if that is even possible. He seemed surprised but then just started rubbing my back in circles. After I calmed down he helped me up and led me to his kitchen. He lived in a relatively small apartment. He started to make breakfast but I told him I wasn't hungry but he insisted.

(Romans POV)
I still continued to make him breakfast even though he said he wasn't hungry. I could tell he was hungry by how scrawny he was. I figured he had anorexia. I asked him why he was in the ally last night. I saw him just go dull.

(Virgils POV)
When he asked the question it hurt. Should I tell him I thought. Flash backs of what happened just flooded in. I fell out of the chair and he rushed over to me. I just started having another panic attack.

(Romans POV)
When he fell I got so scared. What could of happened to make him react so badly to a mere question. I remembered what my friend Patton had told me when people get panic attacks. "Tell me 5 things you can see"

(Virgils POV)
His second question was odd but I answered him in a shaky voice "the kitchen island, the tv , you, the couch, and the chair." Then he asked " 4 things you can touch" and I answered "your shirt, the floor, my hair your hand." "Three things you can hear" I answered again "the sound of food cooking, the birds, and your voice." "Two things you can smell" "burning of food and cinnamon" "one thing you can taste" "the salty ness of my tears." I don't know why but it calmed me down.

(Romans POV)
He had stopped crying now. "You don't have to tell me if you aren't ready." He nodded. I helped him up and then remembered the food. "OH SHIT THE FOOD!!" I rushed around and immediately took it off the burner and threw it away. He was laughing at me. "We are just gonna eat some cereal."

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