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"You didn't answer the phone last night, Sam," Levy says the next morning, joining the ravenette at the bus stop. Kendall and Derick are no where to be seen, so presumably they were running a little late.

Sam let out a groan, running a hand through his ravenette locks. "When I got home last night, my parents were pissed. My mom especially."

Levy groaned and placed his hand on his forehead knowing Sam's parents were kind of strict with staying out late. "At least you're alive!" He added in a halfhearted tone, rolling his eyes. "I'll let you know that if they found out what they did, I don't think any of us would be here right now!" Sam exclaimed. Levy thought to himself, his friend had a point. "Where are Derick and Kendall anyway?"

Just at that moment, both of them appeared from a distance and were walking up to them, "Hey!" Derick gave them a small wave whilst Kendall smiled at Sam and Levy at the bus stop. "It's about time you got here- we would've missed the bus!" the black-haired boy shouted. "Well if we look at that!" Levy said, taking a few steps to the bus that was meters away from them. The other two boys started to run, waving their arms frantically in the air and Sam chuckled as his friend rolled his eyes. Seconds later, Derick and Kendall got on, trying to recover and regain their breath. "And this is why we are on time to places" Levy remarked. In return, the blonde boy rolled his eyes and the other ignored, taking a seat behind Sam and Levy, waiting for the other boy to join him. "Got the magazines?" Levy whispered. Kendall smacked the backpack as a signal that they had them. "Good." They were heading to school but after that, they would be going to sell them.

The four of them were sat in their usual seats for class as the teacher rambled on about something boring, so Derick began writing notes on a piece of paper. "When will this class end already?" Sam looked over to see what he could've been writing but his eyes couldn't read the small writing. The rest of the day went by with them passing notes to each other stealthily until the very last lesson.

"Passing notes in class are we?" a teacher was standing behind Levy as he tried to cover it up and pretend to do his school work. "No! Of course not!" he said shaking his head. The older person sneered, "Give me the paper!" Levy hesitated and watched his friends give him fretful looks. "NOW!" The boy handed over a small piece of paper with nothing written on it. He was extremely lucky to have spotted it. The teacher sighed, "I've got my eyes on you Levy..." and walked to her desk. The boy mouthed, "That was a close one" before alternating between actually studying and passing notes to his friends again.

After school, the four of them walked out of the school gates and Derick was quick to scold him. "What if we got caught Levy? Do you know how risky that was? Well. You're lucky Miss didn't find the notes..."

The four boys continued walking in an awkward silence. Trying to lighten up the mood, Kendall randomly asked, "So where are we gonna sell them today?" Everyone but Derick hummed and mumbled in agreement. The other boy thought about it for a couple of seconds. "We can't go to the next town- it's too far- and we can't go to the town before ours..." he paused, taking some time to think about it as he walked but before he could say anything, Sam quickly interjected, "So are we gonna go some weird place between the two?" He smiled at himself for saying something that was quite smart and waited for an answer. "I'll admit, I wasn't thinking that but it sounds like a pretty good idea."

All of a sudden, Levy and Kendall chanted, "We're going to Limbo!" and the group burst out laughing. "But it better be quick- I'm grounded for a month remember!" Sam cried. Reassuringly, Derick told him that they'd be home in time but Sam was still anxious and asking a lot of questions. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Derick finally snapped, getting tired of Sam's incessant questions. "We're almost there anyway..." The boys kept walking until Kendall stopped. "I think this is the spot! We'll sell them here!" he said with a grin on his face. Levy, clearly tired and confused looked at him, "BUT THERE IS LITERALLY NOBODY HERE!" To their surprise, a random man walked up to them, "Are you guys lost or something?" The stranger scratched the back of his neck before swiftly bringing his hand through his dark brown hair and putting it down again. Kendall was about to open his mouth but Derick beat him to it. "We aren't lost..." he stated, looking to see if there was anyone around, "But we wanna make a deal with you."

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