I some how go tagged???

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I don't know why I'm here after midnight going through the large amount of notifications I get every time I don't go on wattpad, do you wanna the know the number of notifications?? Seventy f***ing five OOF to find I got tagged.

1. Do I like guy x readers or guy ship x reader?
No, I just can't fathom an intimate relationship with a boy like that or with two of them.

2. What are some of my favorite animes?
I like animes like mha, black clover, hanoko-kun of the bathroom, demon slayer, and shimoneta (yes I like that anime)

3. How long is my hair?
I just got it cut really short to shoulder length and I love it!!!!

4. What are my fears? (I would say phobias but some people think that when you call a fear a phobia it means it's irrational😑😑😑😑)
I have a fear of the dark and loneliness (don't think I'm a bi*** for attention.)

5. What can I can't stop doing ever?
Whenever I see anything remotely cute I will start squealing like crazy no matter what ship or whatever like yesterday I saw a drawing of deku holding a bunch of little kirishimas and I thought it was so cute!!! 😅😅😅

6. What do I think of myself?
I try not to.... I honestly can't look in reflective surfaces anymore or anything like that, does that answer the question,sorry.

7. What are the three emojis that I've used recently (minus the ones I've used in this) 😂, :'( , and 🙈 (don't ask)

8. what are five songs I like to listen to?
The death of a hero, sad, city of angels, Bang!, and hot girl bummer.

9. What is my opinion on country humans?
I love it but people hate the fandom, mostly because of one certain ship that I'm not going to name

10. What is my personal creepypasta
JEFF! I'm not a Nina fan girl don't worry

11. (I know your only supposed to do 10 but I'm feeling nice today) what is my zodiac up and do I think I act like it?
I'm a gemini and Idk if I do I'll have to ask people I know over chat later.

Bye guys and... Sorry for wasting your time when you expected a chapter out of me so please don't go blame anyone but me Idk who else you would blame but know it's my fault, k bye

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