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"Hold on!" Hiccup cleared the the ship of hunters he was attacking and quickly flew to Astrid who was battling a ship full of hunters with what seemed like three ballistas.

Hiccup flew down dodging arrows, and Toothless shot out a few plasmas taking some guys out. He dodged an arrow, but as he did, one came skidding right next to his face. He flew up to turn around and do it again, but the air was being pierced with tons of arrows. He flew down again after a moment of dodging, but with Astrid this time. Stormfly let out her deadly fire and spines, and Toothless shot plasma blasts. As they were going back up, another arrow barely missed from touching Astrid's leg. "This is getting too risky, Hiccup. We need to evacuate."

"Yes, I know, but we can't let them get away. If so, we'll never get them again," Hiccup explained dodging very close shots.

Hiccup looked behind him to see the rest of the gang struggling with their battles. 'We sure could use some help right about now.'

"We've no choice, Hiccup! We're being slammed! If we fight anymore-" Astrid ducked, dodging an arrow- "If we fight anymore, we might get captured or even worse."

Hiccup sighed, and Toothless twirled, dodging the arrows. "You're right. Let's abort mission."

Astrid flew away, on a mission to tell the others to abort.

Just as Hiccup and Toothless were heading to the clouds, an arrow whipped by and Toothless dodged it, only for Hiccup to get hit by one in the side which came from the opposite direction. "OWWW!!"

Hiccup put his hand over the wound next to the arrow wincing in pain, while blood seeped out through it. His eyes were closed tightly in pain. "Too..Toothless..."

Toothless noticed Hiccup's voice in agony, and what he was trying to say, so he tried to avoid as many arrows as he could while evacuating. After dodging of what seemed like millions of arrows, Toothless reached the clouds, into safety. The other riders were only a couple hundred yards away, and Astrid immediately flew to Hiccup.

"Hiccup, let's get back to the Edge. We'll think of our next move there," she suggested. As her mind wondered why Hiccup was drowsy looking, and quenched in what seemed like pain for some reason, her eyes darted to his abdomen, of that where the arrow was stuck.

Astrid gasped. "Hiccup! What happened?!?"

Toothless purred helplessly. Hiccup muttered incoherently. "I...shot......arrow...."

"Oh my Thor, Hiccup! We need to get to Berk!"

Immediately, the riders took off for Berk. The riders were informed, who all showed their regret. Astrid flew next to Hiccup to make sure he won't fall off- which is probably unlikely.

After some long hours, they finally made it to Berk. Astrid directed Toothless to Gothi's hut and gave orders to the gang. "Heather, go find Gobber and bring him here to Gothi's! Fishlegs, find Stoick!"

The two went off to do so as Astrid landed at Gothi's. The elder woman looked at her once Toothless landed with Hiccup.

Astrid grabbed Hiccup's arm and wrapped it around her shoulder and made him stand up. She laid him down on the ground, and gestured the wound to Gothi.

Gothi quickly put down her soup down, and examined the wound. She applied a few herbs to the wound, which made Hiccup wince in strong pain.

After a few moments, Gobber came over with Heather. "Aye Astrid, what happened?"

"Well, we were fighting dragon hunters, and as we were evacuating, Hiccup came up with an arrow in his abdomen. I didn't see it happen, but I came to Berk immediately."

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