When The Joke Goes Too Far

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Takes place two weeks after the Red Death battle. Took awhile, but this is requested by The_Dance_Dragon. This chapter is also dedicated to Snowy_Rose29 because I'm returning the favor of dedication, and also for following me.

Peace out!✌️ Now go read! Lol, I take too long. I hope y'all will like it 


Hiccup walked into the plaza, his metal leg clinking as he went. After the Red Death, it took him awhile for him to get used to it, and for a while, he couldn't walk without a little help from Toothless or Astrid. It took a while getting used to a stub on his leg, and he couldn't figure out how to adjust it on the saddle on Toothless. On the downside, he did slip a lot because of it.

Hiccup was just getting used to walking on it, without aid of Toothless or the gang. Best of all, they were all his friends now and Berk was a happy place now that they all had pet dragons and no more raids. No more wars. Stoick was happy for once, and so was Hiccup. But none of it would be possible without Toothless. For Toothless had saved Hiccup in the kill ring, and if he didn't they might not have known him, and if they not have known him, Hiccup would be banned, without the village knowing of his awesome dragon training skills, which he showed while fighting the Red Death. So, Hiccup was glad they found out about Toothless, even though they locked him up, because it lead to freedom of the dragons.

Hiccup walked up to the gang in the plaza, who were all chatting and feeding their dragons. No secret, Snotlout was already bragging about his Monstrous Nightmare, Hookfang. He lit on fire, bringing more heat in cold weather, and also could be harsh for enemies, especially if you would to use his kerosene gel. With this, it brought up competition, and Astrid bragged how her Deadly Nadder had the hottest fire of any dragon, and then the twins had to bring up that their dragon can bring up gas and create huge explosions on the mark. Lastly, Fishlegs competed by saying his dragon- his lovely Meatlug- can eat rocks, and making different kind of fire out of them. Although, it was more like lava, which you could also blacksmith tools using it. But of course Hiccup didn't like competitions, so he didn't bring Toothless up. But the gang all secretly agreed Toothless won the match.

"Hey, it's the one-legged viking!" Tuffnut snorted.

Hiccup rolled his eyes as he gulped, and turned his attention to Astrid Hofferson, who also happened to be his crush. "Hey Astrid. What's going on?"

"Nothing much. We're just talking."

"Actually, we're all talking about who has the better dragon!" Tuffnut blurted out.

Astrid face-palmed as Hiccup rolled his eyes. "More competitions?"

"Yeah, and it's obvious it's me because I have the FIRE- BREATHING DRAGON!!! HE ALSO LIGHTS HIMSELF ON FIRE!!!" Snotlout bragged.

"Not like all the other dragons have fire breath," Hiccup remarked sarcastically.

"Well, it's not like you have the fastest dragon!" Tuffnut retorted back.

"What? Guys, please don't make this a competition!" Hiccup begged.

"Well, at least your dragon doesn't make different kinds of metals from her lava spew," Fishlegs snapped at the twins.

"Well, Barf and Belch can make explosions in the sky on command!" Ruffnut exclaimed.

"All right, all right, that's enough," Astrid said, putting her hands in the air. She did enjoy the competition, but she knew when it was taken too far. Especially when Hiccup was in the room.

She turned to Hiccup. "How are you doing?"

Hiccup smiled. "I'm good. Very happy, but I'm just not used to..." he looked around him, "all this."

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