Chapter 11

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A single confession could change a whole story.
Just like a wind brushing off fallen leaves on the ground, from one place to another, would change a whole scenery.
Little things they may seem to be. But a greater effect than imagined, would be the result.

Mrs. Adler's confession opened another brand new door in this case. Michael, a person with much greater potential to have murdered Andrew Wilson than the rest of the suspects. 
It wasn't just a stronger alibi, it was great clue, probably the whole case was to be solved by just one confession. 

Wouldn't have been easy for Mrs. Adler to open up about herself to a complete stranger like me.
Had she been heartless, she wouldn't have done what she did at certain situations, and she wouldn't have come out honest with me. But she did. And now it's time for us to take initiative.

"There you go! That's the man. He is a rich businessman, maybe a little bit of dirty money. He has his own gang at his feet." Jerome displays a profile based on Michael, on the big screen.

"There was no sign of forced entry, no fingerprints. Apart from the phone call to Mrs. Adler, we need valid evidence to know if he did it." Jason points out.

My money is on Michael. He unlike any of the other suspects, could be known as someone who could've killed a man or two, or even more, to get what he wanted. A man with power, a man with a gang at his disposal. 
Jason is right, there has to be evidence. 
But what? How?

"Wait a second..." I suddenly speak out, before the thought had completely processed in my head. "How could I be so stupid! We didn't check the CCTV footage. Did we?" There has to be something we could get out of it.

"That's right! Of course. Let me check on that right away." Eric goes ahead. 

When he arrives back at the office, he brings good news. Good for the case, except the whole case is about a dead man. There can be no good. But it is good news, considering the fact that we've caught his murderer, bringing justice.

In the time of his death, Mr Andrew's, all that's visible in the CCTV footage by the road,  is a vehicle, a range rover, that arrives at their house, parks there for a while. And after a while, the vehicle leaves, fast, very fast. 
What help is that?
Well the number plate, traced us to it's rightful owner, Mr Michael.

We pay Mr Michael a visit, and have him arrested. For the murder of Mr. Andrew Wilson.

Two murderers caught in one day. What a long day it has been!
As I go home, and get to bed, I wonder what kind of a day tomorrow would be. Currently, we've solved both the cases. So what happens at work on a day like tomorrow?

Before I know it, I'm dozing off, into a heavy sleep on a very tiring day.
I give in, falling asleep...

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