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did you even think?
when you saw that white light
and your world crumbling?
did you even think
about me?

did you think of the wreckage
you'd be leaving behind?
of your mother and sister
who'd want to stay
in the house you spent your last night?
did you think what it would be like
to have them around for so long in our house
and in my life?

did you think of the number of ways
in which your actions could hurt
you and me
and the family we dreamt
of having eventually?

did you think of us
when you didn't even give the world a chance
to help you survive?

no, because you died in an instant,
caring not of how you'd be leaving
your people to live in a world
where all you'd ever be
is a collection of faded photographs
and a bouquet of lost dreams.

7 Weeks Without You ✓Where stories live. Discover now