10. I Think I Have a Sugar Daddy

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"There's no need to panic," Katie told me. "We'll figure this out."

We were in my room, an open suitcase on the bed and articles strewn across the floor. After I got home, I had called Sergio to tell him I could make the trip; then I'd informed Katie what was happening. She had promised to help me pack after expressing appropriate worries concerning my safety.

Since I'd be leaving from work tomorrow, I had to pack tonight. Hence my current hysteria.

"They'll have shampoo at the hotel, right?" I asked. "Or do you think it will be, like, shampoo for blonde, white people?"

"You'll only be there a couple of days, but you could bring a tiny bottle with you if it would give you peace of mind."

"No, I should be fine." I turned away from the bathroom to focus on clothes. "I have no clue what we'll be doing," I said. "And even if I knew we'd be hanging out with rich people all the time, what do I have that would impress them?"

"You don't need to impress anyone," Katie said. "Here." She took my hands and gently guided me to my shoe rack. "Pick a pair of comfy shoes for traveling, some sensible flats, and a pair of heels that make you feel like a goddess."

Okay, I could do that. I selected three sets of shoes and put them in the suitcase.

Following Katie's instructions, I managed to pack a capsule wardrobe with which I was semi-satisfied. When in doubt, I opted for the pieces that made me feel prettiest, not the ones I thought other people might like.

"How about this?" I asked, holding up a set of lacy black lingerie.

"Wow," Katie said. "How long have you had that?"

"A couple of months. I wear it around my room sometimes when no one's here."

"Every girl should indulge in underwear for herself now and then," Katie said. "But as long as you're traveling with a significant other, you might as well let them see it."

I grinned and packed it.

I was ready.

I was not ready.

First, Ms. Neil gave me a knowing look as I left the office the next day. I tried not to run out of there to escape my embarrassment.

Second, the car that came to pick me up was stocked with snacks and drinks, all of which the helpful driver explained I had free access to.

"You mean it won't cost extra for me to eat as much of this as I want?" I asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Your ride is all-inclusive."

I picked up a bag of chips, hoping I didn't sound too provincial. "So, so could I take some with me for later?"

He tried and failed to suppress a smile. "Most people who I give rides to don't take advantage of the snacks. Me, I'd stuff as much as I could carry in a backpack if I were allowed."

"Ahmed, is it?" I asked, warming up to him.

"Yes, ma'am."

"How would you like some snacks?"

We divided up the chips, crackers, cookies, nut bars, and fruit between us.

"Think of it this way: I'm taking everything, and then I happen to decide to give some to you," I said when he tried to protest.

I ate an apple and some Oreos (then regretted it when all the black stuff got stuck in my teeth). Ahmed said that he wouldn't eat while driving but that he was grateful for my generosity. His little girls would be overjoyed by all the treats he brought home.

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