12. What Cheat Codes Are These People Using?

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After Sergio left me alone on a couch, I took the opportunity to people-watch. I was astounded by how many good-looking figures surrounded me. What cheat codes were they using, and how could I get my hands on them?

Around me, I heard bits and pieces of many languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, and more. People laughed, drank, and mingled in an elaborate dance, coming together then swirling apart.

I was glad for the chance to sit down. My heels, though more comfortable than most, were beginning to pinch my toes.

"What is a beautiful woman like you doing here all by her lonesome?" said a man, approaching me. He was middle-aged, but handsome, sporting a brown mustache. I was glad he spoke English.

"Just getting off my feet for a moment," I said politely.

"If you don't mind getting back on them, would you do me the honor of a dance?"

I hesitated. Sergio had told me to stay where I was, but I didn't want to risk offending someone important. "Why not?" I said.

He helped me up. "Boris Hofmann, at your service."

"I'm Inari Yamashita."

"What a lovely, exotic name."

"It's not exotic," I said, annoyed. "I'm Asian. There are billions of us. Technically you're the exotic one."

"I apologize," Boris said, leading me onto the floor. "I meant no offense. Shall we?" He put one hand on my back and clasped my right hand in the other, guiding me around the floor in a simple circle.

After a minute of pleasantries, his tone became business-like. "I've seen you around with the Conte di Genovesi, have I not?"

I stiffened. What did this man want with Sergio? I suddenly wished I had stayed by the couch. "I'm his date for tonight," I said. "Actually, he should be back at any moment." I looked around, hoping my words would prove prophetic.

"I think we have a little time yet. But when you see the Count, could you tell him I have a message for him?"

"What's the message?"

"Ah, ah, ah, it's not for you, dear. But I will tell you this." He leaned forward so that his mouth was next to my ear. "Change is coming. The old and the young will soon be at war, and we'd do best to pick the right side."

Despite him telling me that I couldn't hear the message, I got the feeling that I just had. Boris wanted to scare me for some reason, and probably through me, Sergio. It had worked. Despite the crowd surrounding me, I felt alone and frightened. Also confused; what did he mean by a war between the old and the young?

Boris pulled back but kept dancing with me, not letting me escape. "You are a brave girl to come here tonight."

"Why?" I asked.

"Nightmares walk these halls."

It was such a ludicrous thing to say that I couldn't think of a reply. 'Nightmares walk these halls?' Seriously? Still, I was unsettled.

I was saved by a tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me," an unfamiliar voice said. "May I cut in?"

Relieved, I let go of Boris and faced the newcomer. He looked a little older than me. He was of average height, and he had windswept brown hair and a small scar running through his left eyebrow. It was such a cliché bad boy trait that I nearly laughed.

"Absolutely," I said, and left Boris standing alone.

My rescuer led me to another part of the floor, and we began to dance. Boris and Sergio had swayed with me in place, but this man waltzed. He moved with effortless grace. "My name is Malachi," he said.

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