30. My Backup Is Useless

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The Uber dropped us off a block from the Eternal Ball. Katie and I didn't speak much as we approached the building. I was nervous that we'd be eaten, and Katie was about to encounter vampires for the first time since learning they existed.

How would we be received? Without Sergio's protection, were we walking into a trap?

I rang the doorbell, and a butler ushered us inside. "We're looking for Carmilla," I said, my voice loud and unfamiliar.

He nodded. "Right this way."

Katie's eyes swiveled, taking in the lewd sights with carefully masked apprehension. The way she walked told me she was trying to appear tough.

I felt better with her at my back.

The butler led us through a maze of rooms until we came to one carpeted with cushions, where Carmilla lounged, surrounded by admirers hanging onto her every word. She wore a cherry-red gown this evening and lipstick the same shade. Her braids were piled high on her head.

Katie squeaked.

"Mademoiselle?" interrupted the butler. "These young women would like a word with you."

Carmilla looked up, and her face brightened. "Oh, look, it's Inari! And she has brought a delectable little friend! But where is Sergio?" She peered over our shoulders as if he might appear.

I cleared my throat. "We broke up," I said. "Actually, we are here to talk to you."

"I am honored." She addressed her admirers. "Away with you all now."

They dutifully rose and left the room, and the butler bowed and followed them out.

Carmilla waved one elegant hand to indicate we should sit.

I sat criss-cross on one of the cushions, and Katie followed my example, a stupid look on her face. She couldn't take her eyes off Carmilla. "This is my friend, Katie," I told our hostess. "And this is Duchess Carmilla."

"Do not worry," Carmilla said with a twinkle in her eye, amused by Katie's stupor. "I do not bite." She winked. "Unless you wish me to."

"Yes, well," I said, "we are here because I have some questions about vampire law. Like, what happens if a human is convicted of killing vampires?"

Carmilla sat up straighter, her demeanor becoming serious. "The human in question would be tried before a tribunal, and if found guilty, most likely executed. Or, if they are lucky, they would be imprisoned for life, donating blood to our supply for the rest of their miserable existence."

My mouth went dry. "What if I told you I know of a-a vampire hunter, and I have evidence against them?"

"Who is it?" Carmilla's French accent grew thick with anger. "We will track this hunter down and dispose of them. No need for the courts to get involved. He or she will learn the price of spilling vampiric blood."

This was what I'd been afraid of. And now came the difficult part. "No," I said. "We do this completely by the book. That's my condition for bringing you this information."

Carmilla leaned back, studying me. "You are a curious one," she said. "I can see why Sergio was so taken with you."

"Thanks," I said. I think.

There then followed a meeting with Carmilla and a few vampires she trusted in which I explained about Malachi and showed them the pictures I took in his office. It was agreed that within the week, they would begin tracking him down, and the trial would commence as soon as he was captured.

Afterward, Carmilla convinced us to stay and chat.

Katie spoke up, extremely nervously. "Ma'am? Er, mademoiselle?"

"Yes?" Carmilla asked, still amused by Katie's shyness in her presence.

"Are you, like, the Carmilla, from the book?"

"No, darling," she replied. "When Luca and I turned, we both adopted new, more vampiric names to accompany our new identities. But am I to assume you have read the story?"

"Of course," Katie stammered. "It's basically required reading for women who love women."

Carmilla wrote something on a scrap of paper and slipped it into Katie's cleavage. "Anytime you would like to discuss it," she purred in her ear, "give me a call."

Katie swallowed.

Part two of my plan commenced as soon as we returned home. I shut myself in my room and dialed Malachi's number.

"Hello," he answered.

"Malachi." My heart raced and nerves prickled my skin. "This is a heads-up that I told the vampires about you."

"You fucking what?" he practically yelled.

I squeezed my eyes shut. "It was the only way I could think of to force your hand. I don't really want you in jail, I just want you to stop killing. This way, you'll have to avoid vampires."

"So are they on their way?" he asked, dejected. "Do I need to run?"

"You should have a couple days' head start," I said. "They said they'd come for you the day after tomorrow."

There was silence for a moment. Then Malachi said scornfully, "I suppose I should be grateful that you warned me instead of pointing them in my direction and hiding, but somehow, I can't find it in me."

"I'm sorry it had to be like this," I said.

"Me too." He hung up.

I buried my face in my pillow. Had I done the right thing? The vampires would be livid that I'd helped Malachi get away, and he would never forgive me for betraying him in the first place. I was in over my head.

And I missed Sergio. All the reasons to avoid him seemed insignificant compared to the simple truth that I missed him. Tomorrow, I resolved, I would visit him, and we could have a long talk. Maybe then I'd finally have closure.

Maybe he would want me back.

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