Chapter 2: Divine Love to Kill Facism

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying this story! Let me know what you think so far :). Excuse the errors at the moment if there are any. I'll go back soon fix any that are there.

October 16, 1974

He knew it was love the moment he laid eyes on her. Just when he thought he could not love another after Didyme's death, an angel was bestowed upon him. It was ironic really because how can a being such as himself fall for someone inferior like a human, but yet there he was... waiting for her to notice his presence.

     "Marcus, you should know by now that you can't hide from me," she scolded playfully as Marcus let a sincere smile. The vampire was wearing a grey suit and his long, brown hair was styled into a side low ponytail.

     The woman turned around and gave him a playful grin. "You look dashing as always when we meet my darling," she complimented as she walked up to him and gave him a tender kiss against his cool, pale cheek.

Yvette Toledo was her name; she had been a childless widow when he met her. During the times Marcus ventured out (which was not often) outside the walls of Volterra, he stumbled upon her on her way back home one evening. She was an American living within the city, and although  he was tempted to feed on her and kill her, he noticed she had a gift: she could sense things around her without her even looking.

"Quit your stalking and kill me already," she said to him on their first encounter without turning around. "I'm ready to meet my maker."

Marcus was stunned at first, but then when she turned to face him, he noticed her saddened eyes, something he felt well enough. "Why does your heart ache?" Marcus asked lowly.

Yvette answered bluntly. "What's it to you?"

"Because I know the feeling."


Just like that, an odd friendship blossomed.

Marcus made sure their meetings were kept secret, making sure no one from the Volturi followed him. He made sure to feed on someone afterwards before he returned. Yvette was a curious woman and full of ideas he would never have thought about. "A sitting outside in her garden" turned into days of "sitting by the piano while one or the other listens" while either one of them played. Yvette fell for him just as much as he did.

Of course, all love has its consequences and a price had to be paid. The day Yvette found out she was with child, and Marcus's nonetheless, she considered it a miracle, but yet she knew she couldn't stay in Volterra as she knew the Volturi would consider it a blasphemy. She realized it wasn't a regular pregnancy when she noticed that within days her weight decreased and the fetus was growing at a rapid rate.

Yvette was dying literally to bring this child into the world, her and Marcus's child produced from love. On October 28th, the day Marcus was supposed to visit, she did her best to appear well, but Marcus knew it was a façade: he could see right through her and her crippling health. "It's killing you, my darling," he spoke lowly as her thin face gave him a smile. "Aro and Caius will kill you and the child, if the child doesn't kill you first. I can't bare to lose you."

     "Then help me, my love. Help me take care of her," she pleaded. "As odd as this request may sound, I'm craving blood."

Since Yvette entered his life, he couldn't bare to lose another. He waited on her hand and foot for several days. Didyme's death  pained him, and didn't want to lose another. "Our child will live and she will be someone. Marcus, she's was made because of our love," Yvette said weakly as she pulled his hand onto her swollen, yet bruised, belly. "See?"

Marcus could feel the connection between the child and Yvette, but not only that, him as well. The child, no his daughter, loved her mother while in the womb. What stunned him the most is their unborn child held love for him as well. "Please, I beg you Marcus," Yvette pleaded to her vampire lover. "I know this is impossible, but please protect her. Do not allow anyone to harm her."

"I don't want to lose you," Marcus insisted. "What am I to--"

"I want you to try to turn me once she's born," Yvette gasped as she felt a pain run through her veins. "However, she and I will need to flee from Volterra."

"Yvette," Marcus said only for his nose to be filled with the mouthwatering scent of blood as Yvette began to give out labored breaths.

"She's coming out," Yvette cried as she  let out a scream of agony.

Marcus quickly moved her as gently as possible onto the couch as she cried. "GET HER OUT NOW!" Yvette yelled as Marcus did his best to control his hunger as he struck and opened Yvette up--


Present Day

Marcus's emotionless, red eyes watched as Aro killed another vampire that nearly revealed the existence of vampires a few towns over. It's been years since he's seen his lover and child. It was a secret he wished to keep to himself for their safety. When his daughter was born, he turned Yvette into a vampire and just as she said, they fled with his help. Every once in awhile, he and Yvette would meet up when she'd visit Volterra, but it's been awhile since he'd seen his beloved. On the days they would meet up, she'd exchange photos of their child and she looked so much like Yvette as she aged.

     From what Yvette said, she was gifted: she could predict future events and use a form of astral projection into one's dreams. His daughter stopped aging at seven years old, but resembled an adult in their early twenties. When his daughter was growing, he made sure Yvette was aware of other vampires that could possible confuse their daughter of being an immortal child. "I'll make sure no one harms her; even if we have to stay in the basement until she looks sixteen," she stated in a letter she wrote to him.

     There Marcus was, wanting to be a father to his child, but couldn't because of what may happen to her if Aro and Caius find out. Still, he knew she loved him just as much even if she couldn't see him for now. He'll find a way: one way or another.


Several months prior to St. Marcus's Day

        "So I'm guessing this is the town you decided on that we should live in for now?' Yvette questioned her daughter curiously as they looked at the gorgeous home within the gated community (Name) picked out.

       "Of course," (Name) agreed as she held her hands behind her back. "What do you think? Is it a keeper?"

        "I love it," Yvette smiled as she ruffled her daughter's hair. "Home sweet home."

        "The movers already unpacked the furniture so all we need is to place the decor and other things wherever you'd like them to be," (Name)  explained to her mother as they began to make their way towards the front door. "I was able to get you a job as a doctor at Forks Community Hospital."

"What about you dear?" Yvette asked they halted at the door.

"I'll be doing classes online through Washington State University in order to major in history— I haven't tried that major yet— although I'll be working at a coffee shop as well," (Name) informed. "Now, why don't you step into your new home mother?"

"Let's do it together," Yvette chimed as they counted down to one and entered together into their new home and... their new life in Forks, Washington.

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