Chapter 3: Sleeping Beauty, I Have Found You

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Author's note: hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. We're finally in July!!!... please stay safe wherever you all are — wash your hands for 20 seconds, keep your distance of 6 feet when out in public, and monitor your health. These are crazy times, and I hope I can put a smile on your faces with a new chapter.
     —Much love,  G.K. ❤️.

  Bella noticed it the moment they were in Volterra, but now she can confirm it: Edward's behavior had changed. He had become distant and distracted lately. "Edward, what's on your mind?" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing," Edward answered abruptly as he got up from where he once stood. "I think I'll take you home... before Charlie gets worried that is."

Bella followed suit as the couple made their way to Edward's Volvo. "Edward," she called out to her boyfriend, grabbing his attention. "Do you still love me?"

Edward scoffed, a wry smile appearing onto his perfect face. "Of course I do," he answered. "What is this about?"

Bella swallowed thickly, embarrassment evident on her. She only wanted to reassure herself of his feelings, but still, it felt forced. Regardless, after what Alice started to the Volturi of her vision, there was no doubt she would become one of them; a vampire. The thought of becoming one excited her. "I was just thinking about the vision Alice had of me becoming a vampire," she commented as Edward stayed silent over the matter.

"I think you should turn me before I turn eighteen—" Bella was abruptly stopped by Edward, a phrase she didn't wish to hear come out of his mouth.

"I don't want to turn you Bella. You have your life and that's something I don't wish to take—"

"Edward my life has no meaning if you're not in it," she snapped as Edward's golden eyes watched her snap. "I just want to be with you and the rest of the Cullens."

Edward said nothing as he began to drive. "This discussion is for another day. We just got back from Volterra," Edward exclaimed as Bella huffed in annoyance but without saying anything. "We'll worry about this later."

The ride was silent until they got to Bella's home. She gave Edward a quick kiss on the cheek before getting out and heading inside, still angered by the way the discussion of her becoming a vampire ended. He sped off back onto the street as her justification to become one made him cringe. It made him wonder just how much did it affect her when they broke up. He wasn't an expert in relationships, but he knew her thoughts weren't healthy. He sighed tiredly as he ran a pale hand through his hair, annoyance evident in his golden eyes. Suddenly he saw a flash of pastel pink walk into the sea of trees he was driving beside. He slowed his car down as he looked into the rear view mirror as he noticed a familiar face.

        Edward halted the vehicle and quickly got out of the car. It was her— it was (Name). He called out her name before running after her. His pace quickened behind her, surprised by the speed she walked in the woods. He was quiet as chirps and sounds of wildlife filled his ears. There was light towards an opening as he followed. The light pouring out into the forest led him to a large meadow within filled with nothing but red spider lilies. Edward was in awe as he hadn't seen spider lilies since his travels to Asia, but there they were in a field within the forests of Washington. He walked around as he bent down to touch the flowers with the tip of his fingers. It was a beautiful sight to see. He scanned around until her familiar scent of honey filled his nostrils. He golden irises landed on an area of bent flowers to see her laying there. He took a step closer and was in awe— a sight so precious that if he were human again it would've taken his breath away.

(Name) was sleeping without a care in the world. Her (h/c) was splayed out as her pastel pink summer dress covered her. She sparkled in a subtle manner as rays of sunlight kissed visible skin unlike Edward who's face would've reminded someone of a disco ball if one was to find them out in the open like that. He nudged her gently as (Name) moaned softly, moving closer to his touch. He could not just leave here out for someone to find, especially if it was another vampire.

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