Work and Kebabs

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I woke up the next day with Dave cuddling me, what a simp amirite. I got out of bed and went to my cupboard to find my uniform for work since it's my work day. I work at this pizza shop downtown that sells actually good pizza, I deliver the pizzas. It's an ok gig, decent pay, reeking of garlic every time I get home, all the good job benefits. I go brush my teeth and put on my orange makeup to hide all the scars from the incident years ago and head off.

*Dave's POV*

I woke up and see my snuggly bear- I mean Jack isn't there, I forgot he had to work today. I decide to chuck on some Hawaiian themed clothes cause I wanted to spice life up today, heh. I go make a coffee and decide to finish off the pizza from yesterday for brunch. I then just bummed around the house all day since I'm an unemployed cool kid unlike those losers that work. I decide to quickly go to the store to buy dinner since we had nothing at home, kebabs it is. I quickly buy the food using Jack's card I stole when he wasn't looking and returned home. I timed the cooking just right so as soon as Jack got home from work the kebabs were nearly ready. I served them up on a plate and me and Jack enjoyed a nice dinner to fill the empty voids inside us.

*Jacks POV*

These kebabs are burnt.

Soulless Love: Dave Miller X Jack Kennedy (DSaF)Where stories live. Discover now