shadow moon slaves (chapter 3)

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At midnight

Ganondorf was sleeping waiting for cinder to return as with Shadow moon he went down to the dungeon and found cinder awake and as a full wolf and covering ghirahim and zant as they are still sleeping as she was nervous not liking been chained up as shadow moon saw as he looks at her and went over to her as she snarls at him not sure of who he is and wasn't happy if he is the one who chained up as when he trys and gets close to her but she trys to bite him out of self defence as he grabs her by the chain around her neck and forced her back to her wolf gerudo as she growls as he then rips her Triforce of power out of her making her weak as he whispers to her thank you for all of your power he smirks darkly as when he let her go she collapsed on the floor next to ghirahim as shadow moon left chuckling darkly as he left while ghirahim wakes up seen her and Sencing how weak she is as he picks her up as she was quite light as he puts her next to him and zant as she says weakly I feel like shit ghirahim chuckles a bit and says don't worry I'll get it back she nodes as zant holds her up just incase she falls backwards and hits her head either on the ground or on the strange gears that the chains are connected to as cinder rest her head on his arm

A few hours later close to morning

Shadow moon was in his throne room thinking as he says to his shadows who was the new sage of darkness the shadows think I'm not sure your highness shadow moon nodes and says I'll have to figure it out on my own then anyways who is the goddess of darkness then the shadows says cinder is she got it from been evil Moro reincarnation of her and ganondorf is the reincarnation of demise and demise was the god of hatred and fear and death they just don't know there a god and a goddess yet  shadow moon nodes smirking a bit as he had a plan to make ganondorf fear come true as he already knew ganondorf fears as he had done it to him once and wipe his memories of it as ganondorf worst fear is of cinder dying right in front of him as shadow moon chuckles lightly

The next day

Shadow moon is sleeping while ganondorf is out and looking for cinder as he was starting to worry about her as she would normally be back in the morning as he gets his Hyrule warriors horse out hoping onto his horse and gose to the gerudo desert to find cinder thinking she may be there as ghirahim was watching cinder rest in his lap as zant was thinking of how to get ganondorf to find them

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