shadow moon and the queen of evil and the capture of ganondorf (chapter 8)

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The next day in shadow moon castle

Shadow moon was watching cinder sleep as he then looks over at the amulet that he has next to the Triforce of power as he thinks of using it to control cinder as he watched her in the corner of his eye and smirks a bit as she starts waking up as cinder looks at him as he is shirtless seen the strange looking tattoo on his back as shadow moon says before you ask that is the curse someone put on me to be able to talk to shadows and turns into them and it's what gave me these cinder watches him turning around poniting at the purple shadows in the corner of his eyes as he looks at her as she says why do you want me for you could have anyone but why me shadow moon replies beacuse you have the face of someone I was in love with before she was killed he looks at her as he was referring to evil Moro as he had a crush on her before she was with demise as shadow moon says secretly putting on a act to try and win cinder over with her trust though she turned on me and bit me in the neck and had her husband scratch me in the chest they were like you and ganondorf just her husband was a demon and she was a wolf gerudo demon  cinder nodes as she listens to him as he puts the face on that he might cry even though he won't as she puts her arms out to comfort him as he climbs on the bed resting his head in her lap as she strokes his long soft black hair as it reminds her of ganondorf hair as shadow moon smirks a bit secretly

Meanwhile with ganondorf

Ganondorf had gotten to the shadow castle as he sneaks in not knowing the shadows are watching him as ganondorf gose to the dungeon quitely looking for cinder and zant as he only finds zant as he is still passed out with dry blood on his back from been whipped as ganondorf breaks the chains not realising that he was been loud as shadow moon heard the chains breaking as he left his room locking cinder in his room while shadow moon gose down to the dungeon as ganondorf heard him teleporting zant back to Hyrule in the infirmary as shadow moon walks in the dungeon as a horse to trick him as ganondorf sees the horse walking in not knowing it's shadow moon as the horse walks over to ganondorf nuzzling him a bit into shadow moon turns back to normal surprising ganondorf by grabbing him by the throat as shadow moon says remember me ganondorf ganondorf growled holding shadow moon wrist as he says to shadow moon release me and give me back my wife shadow moon no beside she to beautiful to be with you ganondorf trys to hit him back shadow moon free arm grabs ganondorf arm as he drags ganondorf chaining him up for a moment as he snaps his fingers making the shadows takes Ganondorf swords and pitchfork away from him putting them against the wall for a moment as he smirks a bit while ganondorf glared daggers at shadow moon angerily not liking been chained up

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