I did

13 3 2

I woke up from the incessant knocking of the door. The once subtle knocks metamorphosed into a ear-splitting pounding of door. I covered my ears with my comforter.

"Who's a ninny waking people up at Saturdays. " I groggily got out of bed, beams of sunlight gave a sharp glow amidst the cream-colored drapes.

My feet found my slippers. I noticed my roommate's empty bed. She must've gone to her class.

I unlocked the door and I saw someone. Clad in a pristine white uniform, bag neatly tucked behind her, water bottle on her hand.

"Girl, we have class at 7:30!"  Kyla looked at her wrist watch while I stood there fully aware that I'll be dead meat.


"It's already 7:10!"

"Oh my goshhhhhhhhh." Holy E. histolytica .

I couldn't thank her enough for knocking. It's lecture and lab in one day. I could've slept till 12!

I was got my towel and headed to the shower. And as if the stars suddenly decided to test me, all shower stalls are full. I ran down the stairs to fifth floor. Nada. Same.




So I climed upstairs to 6th in high hopes.

True enough.

I played a 3 minute music to know my time  spent in the shower. 3 for shampoo, 3 soap, 3 rinse. Judge me, but attendance in College is DIFFERENT.

It took 15 minutes.

At 30 minutes max I went to school. The walk was like running from an apocalypse.

I tweaked the door knob and bam. Everyone's looking at me.

I snaked my way next to Kyla.

"Did you take a bath? "

"Of course."


"Yeah. I. Did. "


Hi Lovelies!  This Chapter is dedicated to bluemarigold123💗💗💗

Thank youuuuu💓🌺

Please don't forget to click that cute little star button 😁😁😁

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