Silhouettes no more

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The person I hate Calling...


"Zeb, I'm sorry. For everything. It's not you it's m---"

" Creativity 0.001."

"I really had to find myself. Sorry for leaving without---"

"You weren't just man enough to admit that you were in it for the sole purpose of the only thing that mattered for you. "

" I did love you thou---"

" Like Allyza,  Maegan,  Pat and Courtney?  And really?  That I was just worth your time because you were bored?

It surprised me that I never cried like before.

" I did love you. By the way, I need a favor and can you please email to Dean the SBO break down of expenses ? Also, I need a list of all Block presidents and their contact numbers and emails. I forgot, I needed to submit to her today so I need it asap. "

He's like that.

It was now that I understand. I never loved him at all. I was using him as he was using me.

I said yes to make someone jealous.


Petty, I know.

Picked the wrong dude, VERY.

"Where are you?  I'll give it to you now. "

"Woah. Okay babe. I'm at SB."

I was drained from what happened between Bran and I and the manipulative mad pie pushed me on the edge.

I walked in.

But before that I changed my tattered clothes to new ones and applied some make up. I have to thank Kyla for that.

The moment Aiden's eyes landed on me he gawked at me.

"Hey, if it ain't my Honey. " He opened his arms to welcome me but I remained motionless. Just standing in front of him.

Of course his elite friends were there.
And Courtney. They were dating apparently, when we're still together.


I slapped his face so hard his head whipped Courtney in the way. The audacity to flirt when he's groping Courtney in front of me.

"What the Hell. " He shouted at me but I remained calm.

"Sush babe. It's still the first circle of your abode. Eight more to go. Ciao Adios. "

I sipped his untouched Coffee.

"Oh wait. I got an email from D. See wants to see you in her Office. In 3... 2..."

His phone rang...

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