His smile

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Bran handed me my Coffee.

It's night time I know,  but my body craved Coffee. It's a kick start my body's accustomed to. Maybe it was from late night studying.

"I love you like my second cup of coffee." I sipped my Coffee, the black bitter sweet tang of hot fluid was heaven.

We sat barefoot in the sand, with waves the color of nothingness, and waves giving serene singsong splashes  here and there.

"Will I always be a second? "

His eyes flashed a cute concerned look. His stare held the greatest effect on me that I had to look away. It's as if he's looking into the places I've tried to hide from the world.

He's looking at the real me.

The vulnerable Zeb.

"Let me finish you dimwit. " I laughed it off, it was so cold here that I wore my hoodie but with him I felt like I was molten lava kind of hot.

"I never knew you were in a Triarathon. Where's the finish line? "

He showed me his goofy grin. Always that gooffy grin.

"You, you're my finish line. You're my destination. "

I can't believe I said those aloud.

"I love you like my second cup of coffee. First cup is given, but the second is a choice. "  I looked at his face, then my eyes trailed down to his lips... Gosh what am I thinking.

" So are we having multiple choice then ? What letter am I?  Whose A?  Is there a C? "

Then, he broke the spell with that speech.

"Bran, sometimes I wanted to practice my mug shots because my hands itch to kill you."

"You did. The moment  my eyes had the privilege of seeing you, when you've graced my life with your presence. You did. You killed me with your love."

"Stop spewing gibberish. " I tugged my brows and bit my lower lip to fake my anger.

He smiled.

And that alone made me smile.

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