TPT Chapter 1: Vegetable Soup

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Soulmates. The concept was well known throughout the world, and everyone made it their life mission to find theirs. When the concept first appeared many centuries ago, everyone fell in love with the idea and wanted one of their own. Everyone craved to have a deep connection with someone tied together by fate. You see, there was more than just a "meant to be" kind of connection. When the two got together, amazing things happened- they healed each other. With their soulmate by their side, they were almost invincible. The first soulmates were, in fact, so powerful together that they eventually came to rule over the land while never leaving each other's side. Sadly, as more and more soulmates began to appear, people used their new strength in the worst possible ways. They cared less about their soulmate and cared more about the power they gained from it all. But this was not the will of the universe. Even if they never leave their soulmate's side, if they don't truly love them, the abilities granted by their soulmates will be minimal. Only those truly in love can ever hope to achieve what the first soulmates did.

Bakugou, however, didn't care. He believed that he should be strong on his own, and not need the help of his soulmate to make a difference. This was his mindset for most of his life, and so he drove himself to great lengths to further his strength. He wasn't from a special family and used to be an everyday peasant. But his drive soon carried him up the ranks, and his talent was noticed by some of the higher-ups. Only 17, he's now one of the fiercest warriors in the palace's army. He would have been the commander if it weren't for his personality.

He was smart, talented, and one hell of a fighter, but his aggressive personality drove others away. He had no friends, but he didn't mind. He didn't need the affection of others to slow him down. When he wasn't on the battlefield, he ALWAYS patrolled solo. Everyone in the kingdom knew his name, everyone respected him, but most of them also somewhat feared him. His explosive personality was his most famous trait, next to his remarkable battle skills.

He was on one of these solo patrols late at night. Most of the townspeople had already gone to sleep at this point, and most local criminals knew better than to show themselves when Bakugou was on patrol, so the night had been annoyingly uneventful. But then he ran into some trouble (finally). While walking around the town, he spotted a swift figure out of the corner of his eye. The outline of a person in a black cloak moved from the shadow of one house to another, and if Bakugou hadn't been paying attention, the person would have completely slipped under his radar. He kept an eye on the mysterious person, slipping into the shadows as well. He couldn't see very well in the dark, but he followed the sound of the swift footsteps and was soon led to one of the town bakeries. The hooded figure fiddled with the door trying to get inside but was quickly stopped by the lock from the inside. "Damn," the figure whispered to himself, which alerted Bakugou to the fact that the one he was following was male of relatively young age. However, the lock didn't seem to stop him. Apparently desperate to get inside, he backed up a bit from the door, then running up and ramming it with his side. The door was made of cheap wood, so it didn't take much force to make it break off from its hinges. The cloaked figure grabbed the door as it fell, preventing it from making a loud bang when it fell to the floor. He carefully placed it down quietly and made his way inside.

Bakugou could have easily stopped the criminal by now, but he was in the mood for some fun. He followed the man into the building quietly, observing his actions. The second he slipped inside, Bakugou retreated backward into the shadows of the building. The hooded figure immediately went for one of the pastries in the window display, taking his hood down and beginning to eat as he stared out the display window. The blonde soldier was taken aback for a moment, taking in the face of the criminal before him. He couldn't see the colors very clearly, but the guy's hair was clearly black, about shoulder-length. From the moonlight cast on his face from the bakery window, he could see a side view of his face pretty clearly, realizing just how young he was. This guy's only about my age... He then shook his head, knowing that no one is above the law. He had broken into a place of business and was now stealing goods, and no matter the reason, that is against the law. He would have to spend time in the dungeon.

The Pastry Thief [Kirishima x Bakugou]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat