TPT Chapter 4: Ugh, Training

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TW: I felt like doing some gore-ish stuffs so here you go. I'll let you know when to skip.

Bakugou woke up and looked over at the sleeping Kirishima. A small smile formed on his lips as he observed the raven-haired boy for a couple of minutes, then getting out of his bed and walking out into the main room. He glanced over at the table and two slightly mismatched chairs, one chair sitting across from the other. One chair matched the table, with the same sandy color and similar simple cut. The second chair had the same simple cut, but was a little darker in color, and the legs stood about an inch taller than the other chair across from it. After a moment of observing, he yawned, then went to work to make breakfast.

Kirishima walked into the room with a yawn, rubbing his eyes. "Man, what smells so good?" He opened one eye and smiled at the chairs. "How thoughtful..." Kirishima sat in the original chair, since it was closest to him.

"I'm making stew. It's like soup with thicker broth. Since we're gonna be spending most of the day training, I'm making something we can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner." Bakugou had his arms crossed as he leaned against the wall to the left of the fireplace.

"Can't wait. It smells sooooo good!" Kirishima closed his eyes and sniffed the air, a wide grin forming on his face. Bakugou smiled at the boy for a moment before turning his attention to the stew.

After the stew was ready, Bakugou served them each a bowl, and for the first time, they sat at the table together. None of them said a word the whole time that they ate, but it was a good silence. It wasn't like the awkward silence they had last night. It was a comfortable silence, and they both ate with a small smile on their face, occasionally glancing at the boy across from them.

After they ate, Bakugou started wrapping his arms in bandages. When Kirishima asked what it was for, Bakugou said, "It's so I don't accidentally touch you." Kirishima thought he was going a bit far with his anti-soulmate thing, so he rolled his eyes. 

"So, we're starting training now?"

"Yes," he said, going into his room and grabbing the weapons. "We're not going to waste our time on working out, like push-ups and that shit. I'm not worried about your strength, you're already decently jacked, though I don't completely understand how. First, we'll test which weapon you work best with, then you're gonna work to master that weapon within the next two weeks. This won't be as easy as your fight with Dunce-Face, so don't for a second think that you can relax. You'll have to give it your all if you wanna fight alongside the best. There are several high-ranking squads. You could be placed in 1-A or 1-B. They started off as equals, but 1-A has grown increasingly superior to 1-B. I am the first ranking in squad 1-A, so you have to give it all you've got, be worked to the bone. You want to be assigned to 1-A with me, got it?" Kirishima knew that Bakugou was trying to intimidate him, but he found the words somewhat inspiring. He gave Bakugou a bright smile, pounding his fists together.

"Heck yeah, man! Let's do this!" His enthusiasm seemed to surprise Bakugou, but eventually, his shocked face turned into a small smile, and he turned away. 

"Yeah... You take the spear and the extra dagger, as well as the brandistock. The brandistock is the large spear with a large slit at the tip, while I carry my dagger, the sword, and brass knuckles." Kirishima did as he was told, taking the spear and dagger, then following Bakugou out the building. He closed the door to the house, and they made their way to the field. It was going to be made into a grand park, but it never happened, so it serves as an unofficial training ground to soldiers, both high-ranking and in-training. 

Bakugou sets the sword down and tells Kirishima to set the weapons down beside it. When he did that, Bakugou unsheathed his dagger. It was simple but decorated, and well-crafted. It had a four and a half-inch double-sided obsidian blade that was carefully chipped in a way that made it almost as smooth of a blade as most metal blades. The base of the obsidian blade had a small ruby encrusted on each side. The five and a half inch grip was wrapped with a soft leather material, that had a small, almost unnoticeable dip in the center, making the slightest hourglass/hyperboloid-like shape for the hilt. At the butt of the hilt was another two-inch obsidian blade, chipped carefully and smoothly making another double-sided blade. In total, the weapon was exactly a foot long. "Obsidian? Why not iron or something?" Kirishima asked.

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