TPT Chapter 6: One-Man Army

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A/N: Ok so I'm no longer promising double-uploads, or promising to upload anything by a certain time at all anymore, because we all know that depression gonna hit and leave me unmotivated for like a month or something, Lol. But the one thing I can promise is that I'll upload as often as possible! But at the same time, I will never, and I mean NEVER rush chapters. I refuse to upload something shitty and low-quality for the sake of just getting another chapter up. And I do my best to keep chapters 2,500 words or more (this one ended up being a little less, but hopefully you guys don't mind). So I am sorry for the long waits, but I want to make sure that whatever I publish is worth reading. I don't want to rush a plot for the sake of getting it over with. I'd rather make you guys wait than make you guys read something not worthwhile. That being said, thank you for the wait, this chapter is LONG overdue, and please enjoy!

Kaminari walks down the dirt road as he hums to himself. Though he usually appeared to be in a quite happy and energetic mood, today was different. He practically radiated joy and energy, but it was somewhat — for lack of better words — toned down. The blonde's aura seemed happier than usual, yet at the same time, less obnoxious, like it was a completely different kind of happiness. It was a more soothing kind of happiness — calmer kind. But as he was walking, the period of happiness was interrupted by the serious matter at hand — he needed to find Bakugou. He sighs and looks down at his feet going one in front of the other as he walks, his vision blurring as he ponders to himself. Where would he be? This is a serious matter, and I can't waste any time looking for him in places that he's not in. Come on, think, Denki! The boy continues to ponder to himself as he walked, subconsciously picking up speed a little. He soon gets lost in his mind as he relives the events of the day before.


Kaminari yawns as he makes his way home under the colorful sky, painted various shades of orange, pink, and yellow by the setting sun. He had been patrolling all day and was looking forwards to seeing his mother. Although her entire personality had been completely stolen away by her depression a few years ago, she was still Kaminari's mother, and he still loved her just the same.

Soon he reached his house, and he knocked on the door. Though he had no need to, he liked to let his mother know that he had arrived before he went inside, so he wouldn't accidentally sneak up on her and scare her. The blonde then opened the door and walked inside into the kitchen, closing the door behind him as he called for his mother. "Hey, Mom! I'm back from patro-" He looks at his mother, who was sitting on the floor with her face in her hands. She was sitting next to the kitchen table and chairs. It was an oak set, the table and chairs all of a simple design and all visibly old and worn, as was shown by the slightly faded color and the countless small scratches all over them. There were three chairs in total — two of them set around the table, and the third on the floor beside Kaminari's mother with one of the legs apart from the chair, on the floor about a foot away from the chair it used to be attached to. "What happened...?" Kaminari asked with a gentle and considerate tone, accompanied by a deeply concerned expression.

"It just broke..." His mother's voice was somewhat sad, though mostly blank. The boy sighed sympathetically, walking over and sitting down next to his mother.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll take care of this chair. You can use the other chair, m'kay?"

"No. That's your father's chair."

"He's gone, Mom, and he's not coming back... You can use it."

"NO! IT'S YOUR FATHER'S!" Kaminari jumps a little at his mother's sudden harsh tone, but in response simply gives a soft smile as his strong yet gentle hands delicately held his mother's trembling ones.

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