TPT Chapter 2: His First Smile

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"Wait a minute, I thought you were gonna train me?" Kirishima asked.

"I am," Bakugou replied. "I'm just not going to fight you." This only seemed to confuse Kirishima further. "Um... I just have a thing against touching..."

"But don't you want to find your s-"

"No!" Bakugou snapped at him, causing Kirishima to flinch. "Just wait for Kaminari to get here. He'll be the one fighting you, and I'll mentor." The black-haired boy nodded. Hearing footsteps approaching, they both turned to see a boy with shoulder-length hair that was about an inch shorter than Kirishima's. It was a bright electric yellow color with a black zig-zag streak across his overgrown bangs. He threw up a peace sign on his arrival.

"So, this is the new recruit-to-be?" Kaminari asked.

Bakugou nodded, "Dunce-Face, meet Pastry Thief. Pastry Thief, meet Dunce-Face."

"A-Actually, I'm Eijiro Kirishima..." the black-haired boy responded rather shyly.

"Denki Kaminari at your service!" As Bakugou watched the two introduce themselves, he noticed Kirishima's shy approach and looked in amusement as he held out an awkward hand. Kaminari obliged, shaking his hand while looking at Bakugou. "Was he this timid when you found him, or did you manage to already traumatize the poor thing?"

Kirishima shook his head. "No! He's been nothing but nice! He made me food, gave me clothes, and-"

"Shut your damn mouth, pastry-boy!" Bakugou interrupted. Kaminari smirked as he crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at Bakugou.

"Oh? You've never done anything like that for me!" Kaminari patted Bakugou's head teasingly, and he could see the horror in Kirishima's eyes. Kaminari must have seen it too. "It's okay, he knows we're not soulmates! I'm allowed to touch him!"

"No, you're not," Bakugou grunted, smacking Kaminari's hand away.

"Aw, you don't really mean that!" Bakugou already had enough, taking Kaminari's arm and twisting it behind his back, stepping on his feet while pushing him forwards, causing him to stumble face-first to the ground while Bakugou sat on top of the boy, still holding his arm behind his back. "DUDE! I- OW! That hurts!"

"Good, 'cause I'm not fucking playing."

Kirishima gasped in awe. "Hey, can you teach me that?!" Bakugou looked over to see Kirishima looking at the two with a small smile on his face. Bakugou couldn't help but just stare at the boy for a moment. This was the first time he's ever seen him smile since they've met.

"Alright," Bakugou said with a sigh. "Kaminari, get up." The yellow-haired boy obliged, energetically jumping to his feet. Bakugou slowly took his arm, twisting it behind his back in an exaggerated movement so that Kirishima could easily follow along. "First, you get your opponent's arm behind their back, which is relatively easy when they have their guard down, but if they're on guard and ready for your attack, this will probably be the hardest step. If they're fighting back, you'll want to pull up on the arm. It will cause them pain, and restrict most of their movements in that arm." He pulled up on Kaminari's arm to demonstrate what he meant, and Kaminari yelped in response.

"OW, dude! Why are you like this?"

Bakugou ignored his question and his pain. "Then, while staying behind them, you'll want to move your foot like so." Bakugou maneuvered his foot to be in front of Kaminari's. "When you push them forward, your foot will most likely trip them. I, however, like to go a step further and step on their foot. Then, with one hand still locking the arm behind their back, take your other hand and put it on the back of their head, pushing it forward to trip them into your foot. You should go down with them, landing on top of them while pinning them down. The most important part is to keep their arm behind their back the whole time." He began to demonstrate, putting his hand to the back of Kaminari's head and pushing a bit slowly. "Since this is only training, if you decide to step on his foot, make sure to get off of his foot once he starts to go down, or else you're probably gonna dislocate or break his ankle." This time Bakugou didn't pin Kaminari to the ground. He let go of his arm, then pushing the yellow-haired boy to Kirishima so he could practice what he was just taught.

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