season 2: Sign you name

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{T H I R D  P. O. V} (few months earlier)

"My name is kairi cosentino" the smaller boy answered.

"Hello kairi, mattia should be here soon. But I'm another maid here, I'm Alvaro" the small boy stuck out his hand. The wasain took it shaking it.

"Hopefully we get to be close if I get the job" the boy quickly after his sentence was distracted.

"oh bene sei sexy" the short boy blushed. He might not completely know what was said but the language was so attractive to him.

"Huh?il mio italiano non è buono" kairi said in broken Italian. This scared the shit of the other.

"Oh, I'm Mattia. you are applying to be a...?"

"Maid sir"

"con quegli sguardi puoi essere il mio dolce tesoro(with those looks you can be my sugar baby[hopefully I used Google translate]). How old are you?"

"I wouldn't mind" kairi mutter under his breath before answering "17 I'm turning 18 soon".

Mattia thought for a minute. Not knowing what else to ask. He stared for a little admiring the boy. "What's you name?"

"Kairi. May I ask, what should I call you" the younger boy tried his best not to stutter, he was nervous under the elders glare.

'Daddy' mattia thought to himself. "You already asked, but sir is fine" mattia kept is professional.

After a couple more questions~

"I like you, kairi. You know what? The job is yours" kairi smiled shaking mattia's hand.

"Alvaro!" The boy came rushing hearing his name. "Can you get the papers"

"I want you as my personal maid" mattia changed something on the contract. "all you have to do is sign your name here"

Kairi took the pen, looking at the papers.he was curious to what the Italian wrote, he had already read the contract before the Italian did whatever he did. He sign the papers making the Italian smile.

"Great ragazzino, you can start working at the beginning of next month" the small boy was so happy in this moment.

He thought this job would be so good for him. He thought he would love working for his cute boss.

He thought wrong.

{T w o  m o n t h s  l a t e r}

" alvaro?" Kairi had taken notice to his faint limp. This is the second time since hes been there and it's always when mattia's friend comes around. So he put two and two together.

"Yes kai kai" kairi blushed at the nickname. Alvaro and kairi already were like bestfriends. Every Friday night after work they would go over alvaro's house. Yes house, kairi felt broke compared to everyone.

Mattia lives in a mansion, alvaro has his own house at 19. Kairi was 17 in a small home with his mother and sister.


"Mattia" the Italian was cut out his deep thinking by kairi. He smirked lightly still showing no emotions.

"Yes kai, why did you address me by my real name"

"I'm sorry sir, you wasnt responding so i-" Mattis got up grabbing the short boys chin.

"How would you rather to go shopping?" Of course kairi tried to refuse, he hadn't brought his money.

"On me baby" Mattia smiled showing his perfect teeth. Kairi was hesitant.

"Fine but can you drop me off home so I can change my clothes" mattia agreed. Both boys left the mansion smiling.

It was all friendly till it wasnt.

[E n d  o f  c h a p t e r]

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