2- Call Me Cowardly

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So disappointed ~ Stormzy

The fact that Min Yoongi didn't even spare me a glance, bothered me way more than I wished it would. I have no idea why I even care in the slightest.

So, here I am. Sitting next to the person I hate most in this world, hoping for some unknown reason that he would atleast notice me.

Okay, I really think I had enough to drink for the night.

I slam my glass on the counter and prepare myself to stand up without falling and breaking something, considering my luck.

The moment my feet hit the ground, a shrill sound penetrated my ear triggering a hell sent headache.

My eyes find the source of the awful noise. A girl who looked as if she googled 'bar whore' and dressed like the first picture that popped up. She shines a huge smile as she struts over to me.

What was going on?

When she was standing right infront of me, I realize that that she isn't here for me -thank God- and she turned to Min Yoongi.

She whispers some things a little to loudly in his ear so that I could hear. I wish I didn't. I'm not innocent by a long shot, but the things she said even I would find disgusting. And it looks like someone agrees.

Min Yoongi shifts in his seat a little, trying to seem unfazed. This girl was really getting on his nerves.

Her hands ran up and down his arm and she whimpered in his ear again. This time I could thankfully not hear the 'cringy sexual quote to say to a guy at a bar' Tumblr line she probably used a billion times before.

He visibly shrugs her of and shoves a 'go away' through gritted teeth. The girl looks a little taken back, but still wasn't giving up.

Okay yeah, I've had enough of this.

I may not like Min Yoongi, but that doesn't mean I'd want to see him this uncomfortable. I know the feeling.

"Hey, excuse me?" I say, tapping the girl on the shoulder. She throws her head over her shoulder and glares at me. She quickly scans my form, and turns back to what she was doing.

The fucking nerve of this chick.

"I believe I was talking to you," I say slightly raising my voice. Her eyes shoots back to mine. What surprises me, is that I feel two pairs of eyes on me, instead of one. He is looking at me.

"What do you want," she snarls at me. I stand up straight, trying to look somewhat intimidating.

"I believe this man would appreciate it if you would stop harassing him," i say matter of factly.

"What the fuck does a burn out like you know?" she fires back, grabbing the entire bars attention.

"How can she be a burn out when she was never even good?" I hear a voice say. My eyes avert to the man sitting at the bar stool next to me.

I stare straight into his eyes, trying to ignore the laughs that is erupting in the bar. I am not going to be belittled by Min Fucking Yoongi for the second time.

I decide to ignore him, and direct my attention back to the girl, who is now resting her arm on Min Yoongi's shoulder. I walk up to her getting to close to her face for comfort.

"Get. The fuck. Out." I harshly spit out, emphasizing every syllable.

She opens her mouth to utter some lame, rehearsed comeback, but is cut short by a formally dressed man.

"No, you get out. All three of you," he demands, pointing at the same door Min Yoongi stepped through not so long ago. Im assuming he's the bar manager.

We stand there staring at each other for a brief moment. Min Yoongi abruptly shoots up from his seat, storming out of the bar.

You're not getting away that fucking easily.

I exit the bar, following Min Yoongi's steps into the hotel lobby.

"What is your problem with me this time?" I say - maybe a little too loudly - causing him to stop dead in his tracks. He turns around to face me.

"I'm not the one who caused a scene and got us kicked out!" He replies harshly, taking me by surprise.

"Don't act all innocent! You're the one who thinks they're better than everyone in there! What gives the need to always put me in a bad light?" I whisper-yell back.

He says nothing. Min Yoongi stares at me with an unreadable expression. What is it with this guy?

"Fuck this," I rush out, turning around. I walked to the elevator, repeatedly pressing the 'up' button. I have to force myself to look ahead of me, and not back at the rude man staring daggers into my back.

Call me cowardly, but I don't handle conflict well. Two more minutes of that, and i would've most certainly burst out in tears.

The doors finally opens and I quickly scurry inside, reluctantly turning around.

He is gone.

Why am I disappointed? It's not like I expected him to still be there, right? The stainless steel doors shut, and I push the number 6 button - the floor my room was on.

What I need right now, is a long ass piping hot shower.

The doors opens moments later and I step out onto the expensive carpet of the hall. My movement is quickly stopped, as a brown-headed figure rushed past me to the elevator with 5 men followings pursuit.

I get thrown against the wall by the force of them pushing and shoving each other out if the way.

"I win! I win!" the brunet yells as he reaches the elevator doors.

"No fair! You had a head start!" the blonde complains to the former.

"Idiots. You startled the poor woman! Are you okay miss?" the one with the broad shoulders asks me with concern.

I immediately recognize the bunch. They are none other than the members of BTS. Also knows as Min Yoongi's band mates.

"I'm fine," I say, trying to get away without them recognizing me. The last thing I want now is another fight.

I push past them, thinking I did a good job at being unnoticed. Funny to thing that I wanted the exact opposite a few minutes ago.

"Wait. Jimin, isn't that Yoon Leigh?" Taehyung - the brunet - says. I close my eyes momentarily, but keep on walking.

"Shit it is," the blonde replied "Ehm...Leigh?" he says with a raised voice to get my attention.

I freeze, but eventually turn around. There's no getting out of this. I try to put on a smile as I pace back to the 5 men.

"Hey guys," I said cheerfully, trying to ease the awkward silence.

"Ehm...hey," the silver-haired leader said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. God, I could swear I'm back in high school.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask.

"We're performing a few shows in the area, and this is our hotel. I'm guessing you're here for the same reason?" Hoseok say, pushing his brown hair out of his face.

No. This can't be. Me and BTS at the same hotel? More specifically, me and Min Yoongi? This is going to end in murder.

"Yeah," I say, not even trying to hide my frustration. "I have to get to bed, early practice tomorrow," I lie.

I turn around and walk away before they have a chance to respond.

I need to go to bed and sleep for two months.


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