6- Mom Wine

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What kind of fuckery is this? ~Amy Winehouse 

"Should I go?" I ask Miyeon.

"Are you out of your mind?" she dramatically blurts out, "We're going to sit right here, and wait for security to get here."

"I don't know Mi, Maybe it is not that bad," I tried reasoning with her.

"Not that bad? Leigh, this is literally a threat that was hand delivered to you! I think this is 'that bad'." she was not happy about this.

"Okay, okay relax. I won't go," I lied to her.

I'm not going to get a vague as hell letter, and not try and find out what the fuck is going on.

23:00 rolls by, and Miyeon is distracted by the security guard. She is going crazy and animatedly describes what went down to the poor guy. I take that as the perfect moment to escape 

I arrive at entrance C as the note specified. I scan the area but see nobody but a few cleaners picking up trash that the crowd threw on the floor. I look at my watch to see the time.


I guess they left. Jokes on them if they think I'm the punctual type. Oh well, what can you do? 

After ten minutes of waiting, I decided to go back to my dressing room. Seems like I was right about the letter being an empty threat. Plus, I had to see if the security guard is okay after experiencing frantic Miyeon. 

I arrive back to a panicked manager rushing towards me.

"where the hell were you!?" she scolds me. "Don't tell me you actually went!"

"There was no one there! We had nothing to even worry about," I try to calm her down. 

"I knew you wouldn't give this up. You're lucky you weren't kidnapped or something," she said in a protective manner. 

Even though this woman can be crazy at times, but she is a bigger mother figure to me than my actual mother. 

"Don't be so negative. Let's just forget about the whole thing okay? I don't want something so stupid to ruin our night," I say. 

"Yeah okay, you're right. Im keeping an eye on you though," she said, acting somewhat normal again. "Let's just get out of this place."


Miyeon and I went directly to the hotel as instructed by security. We decided to ditch the going out plan and just celebrate in the safety of our room.

Yeah, fun. Hint the sarcasm. 

We were only halfway through our first bottle of wine when I got bored of the beige walls and the poor sound quality of the music playing from Miyeon's phone. 

"Let's go down to the bar. We would at least get something better to drink," I said referring to the red wine we were drinking. "I feel like a thirty-something year old single mother."

"Okay number one," Miyeon said raising her finger at me. "I take full offense in that thirties statement. I'm thriving," she said, pointing her finger in her own direction. I giggle slightly, but shut up when she gave me her infamous death stare. "And number two, the security guard specifically told us not to leave this floor."

I groan, remembering what happened again. 

"It's probably nothing Mi! I think it's just someone trying to be funny ir something," I tell her.

"We're not taking any chances here Leigh. You never know who could be out to get you. That's just part of being an Idol," she told me, trying to convince me to stay.

"Fiiiine," I whined at her.

I give my best performance thus far, yet I'm trapped in my hotel room afterwards. This is not exactly how I pictured tonight to go. 

I'd be lying if I said the message doesn't bother me. Anyone would be atleast a bit jittery after receiving such a letter.

I wonder who "M" is. Actually, no I don't. I dont think I want to find out. I just want to forget about it and go on with my life. Jeez, I can so be dramatic at times. It's just a damn letter, right?

I need to get my mind off things. That is sure as hell not going to happen within these boring four walls. I need to get out. 

When Miyeon is distracted by pouring herself another glass of wine, I make a run for it. I sprint out of the door, heading towards the elevator. I can hear Miyeon yelling at me to come back, and a door slamming shut behind her as she chases after me. 

"Yoon Fucking Leigh, get you ass back in that hotel room right now!" she screamed behind me while her face turns blood red with anger.

"Can you relax! It's not like someone followed us to the damn hotel! I just gave the fucking best performance possibly of my entire career! I'm not going to sit in a stuffy room and drink mom wine to celebrate!" I yelled back at her. 

"I am your manager, so what I say, goes. You'll have accept that you won't always get what you want Leigh! Now stop being a brat and come finnish that damn bottle of wine with me in that godforsaken room," she retaliated with. She was right. I need to get myself together. 

I nod my head at her in shame, and followed her back to our hotel room's door. 

"Give me the card," Miyeon instructed, holding out her hand at me. 

"what card?" I say with a dumbfounded look on my face. 

"The card you swipe to open the door, Leigh," she replied with a "duh" expression. 

"I don't have it," I said with a hint of panic in my voice. "Didn't you take it?" 

"First you run out on me for the second time tonight," Miyeon started. She the tugged on the door handle, assuring us both that it's locked. "Then you get us locked out of our own room!" she said. So much anger radiated off her body that I can swear I see smoke coming out of her ears. 

"Oops?" I said looking at her sheepishly. 

Me and a furious Miyeon went to reception to get another key card. The guy working behind the desk gave us a very dirty look as he gave us a new card.

Leave me alone dude, it's not my fault I'm forgetful. 

We finally arrive back at our room with the card and a newly developed dislike for the receptionist, and went inside.

A bone chilling scream leaves my mouth when I see what is waiting for us at the other side of the door.


Thanks you guys for reading 😊❤️


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