10:15 pm

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"How do you look at someone that look at you as if you kiss the sun every morning before it rise and whisper them goodbye before it sink then hung the moon every night before bed or align the stars to lighten up the dark skies, and tell them that it's time to say goodbye." She said, without losing a breath. she tried to held her tongue but more questions came out-

"How do you look at someone that is so head over heels for you and tell them you don't feel the same way?" She whisper the last bit. Her eyes are teary and her breaths came out heavier. Her heart felt heavy. She felt dragged down and tired.

Exhaustion was not an unfamiliar feeling for her as more and more questions keep coming out of every corner of her brain even though she hasn't solve or even finish the first or second row of questions that she already had. She felt utterly overwhelmed with this confusing feeling of how to let go, how to say goodbye, how to not hurt him.

But she forgetting to put her happiness first and that's the reason she got caught up in this tangle of mess in the first place.

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