5:47 pm

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"How do you know when it's really over?" someone had asked me. to tell you the truth I don't.

you just know.

This is how I know.

It stared small, you notice the little things first.

Then you'll notice the ache in your heart, the things that used to rile you up real bad, the things that excite you. It is no longer there. It may feel like you've been bitten by a venomous snake, slowly but surely the toxic spread.

The memories that you have of that person, it'll annoy you to death. There's no longer things that they could do to fix it. The memories that linger on the back of your head is literally on fire and your indifference towards it was the gasoline that keeps burning the bridges.

I wanted to say all that, telling them that it was exactly like falling in love only the difference was you fell out of it but instead I held my tongue.

"I don't know," I remember saying that, "but I hope you never have to experience it."

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