9:45 am

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if someone came up to me and asked me, how do you know he loves you?

I would tell them about the little things that you did for me because you know I love it, like how you gave me back rubs without me asking you to, and how you give my fingers little kisses- your favorite way to tell me you love me.

and I would also tell them about the things, crazy things that you did that no one ever did for me. like how heavy rain does not even stop you from coming over because it was my birthday, how I know it makes you uncomfortable to meet new people and new faces, but you pull through because of me. I could never thank you enough for that and from that I know, I know that you are in love with me and would literally do anything for me even if that would make you ended up in a very unfortunate and uncomfortable situation.

that's how I know you love me.

you put me first, and I never thought someone would do that to me, and you did.

I always feel like I do not deserve this, but you make me feel that I do.

nothing scares me more than this.

how different you make me feel, and how little by little i can feel my walls starts breaking.

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