2:17 am

46 6 1

"What do you usually do when its two in the morning and you can't sleep?" He asked, tilting his head so he was closer to me. My eyes followed his moment and I held my breath. He was too close.

"So?" he asked again, waiting for my answer.  I close the book I was reading and sigh, pulling myself away from him. I find myself lightheaded and couldn't think properly when he's too close to me.

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe try to sleep, I mean that's the obvious thing to do."

Frowning, he squint his eyes at me, a sign that he doesn't like my answer. He lean back on his chair and sigh. "the more I tried the more awake I am"

I shrugged again, opening up my book to continue my reading but I heard another sigh escaping his lips, pausing my finger I look up and found him looking at me with another frown on his lips, he was crossing his arm over his chest.

"Aren't you at least curious on why I'm awake at two in the morning?" He asked.

"Well," I started, mimicking his action I lean back on my chair then crossing my arms. "what keeps you awake?"

"You" He said it without even blinking.

"Excuse me?"

"You keep me awake. I think I finally figure out why," He lean closer again, too close. My throat clench and I forgot how to breath. "Do you know how to make magnets?"

I shake my head, I didn't trust my voice so I decided not to speak.

"My physics teacher once told me that the way you make magnets is you rub both ends and they will part into two poles, North and South." He paused, as if it's even possible he lean even more closer making me squirm in my seat. "I also learned that magnets can be used as compass telling you which way is North, I guess what I'm trying to say is I believe you're my other pole because I am South and South always find their way back to North."

I look up and search his eyes, looking for any sign that he was joking, to my surprise I found nothing but honesty and sincere. I got lost in his eyes that shows layers of emotions that he never shows. I held my gasp of surprise because it was something that I have never seen before.

"I always find myself looking at you whenever I'm lost and don't really know which way is home." He continue, "You're my other pole because you're the ending of all of my beginnings"

"Does that bother you?" I finally speak, surprised that my voice didn't even break.

"Why would that bother me?" He asked my question back, I can feel his breath fanning on my lips, making me gulp nervously.

"So you don't mind?" I asked- more like whisper- to him.

"No, I don't think I mind that at all because quiet frankly, I like coming home to you." He smiled, and I knew that he meant every word he said.

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