2:08 pm

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"I know for a fact that there will be days where everything felt harder than it should be." I whisper quietly, looking at the cloudy skies. The cold breeze blew my hair and makes me shiver, I knew I made a mistake not bringing my jacket with me.

"What do you mean?" He finally replied, I was hoping he didn't hear me because he was quiet for a while. Taking a deep breath, I decided to just say it,

"There's gonna be days where dark clouds lingers longer than it should've and it feels draining and you're dreading the mornings because you realize you haven't slept for days." I look at him, he was still looking at me. I gave him a sad smile and continue,

"There's gonna be days where everything clash and it feels like the universe was against every good deeds that you're doing and you will be left with this feeling of no one understands you and you felt nothing but loneliness and just empty."

He turn his face away from me.

"There's gonna be days where I couldn't tell you how much I love and adore you and how I see you differently from the way you see yourself, there's gonna be days where it's hard for you to believe that I was still madly and utterly in love with you even though it's been a rough days, or weeks for you."

I paused.

"when those days come, I will be next to you. It does not matter to me how high the water is gonna be. I'll stand by your side because healing is always gonna be your own doing, but that does not mean you have to be on your own."

He finally look back at me. His eyes shows misery and wonder. It's beautiful how his eyes can show everything yet nothing at the same time. It terrifies me everytime I think about how this is going to be my weakness. His beautiful brown eyes.

That night, he nods and kiss my hand. I notice that everytime I said something that makes him feel something, he nods and kiss my hand, or just my lips to shut me up. Stopping me from saying the things that he needed to hear but was too afraid of it.

I can't make him feel not afraid of whatever it is that he's terrified of, but I know for a fact I can prove him wrong that I am here to stay and not to hurt him like they did.

I didn't have to prove him for the longest run, I just have to prove him for one day at a time, and one day, he'll realize that fear is always inevitable so is pain, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to hurt you.

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