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like all young men who yearn for role models,
I am also a stray dog willing to be adopted,
to sell my trust & identity to messiahs,
who'd make me feel content & protected

my mindset is manipulated by the media,
to movie gods & hollywood i pray,
I formulate my views based upon news,
with terrorism & violence in my veins

like one ant resembles the other,
I am just the same as anybody else,
controlled in a world operated by corporates,
of leaders with no father figures for themselves

with no purpose & meaning in my eyes,
I've become an extension of this corrupt culture,
where I play pretence in fixed patterns for a living,
like an automated robot performing unconscious behaviour

Like a monkey jumping off from one tree to another,
my opinions have got no foundation,
I am a contradiction of own set of beliefs,
a personality painted in thousand colours

the character I represent isn't really my own,
It's a mixture of movies, media & madness I've consumed,
I belong to the generation of men displaying repetitive actions,
many of which are bound to be doomed

like many out there who don't realize,
I've willingly volunteered for my imprisonment,
losing grip on my own creative force,
by surrendering my right of free will & intent

with a mind which is managed by external entities,
my great battle is purely internal,
becoming a slave of chaotic ideologies,
the journey within is more than just spiritual

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