Chapter 2: Sweet Dreams

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TW: Dreams, Crying, Rats

Remy is 9 and Remus is 7

Virgil ran into the garden on all fours as tears streamed down his face. He jumped up on a playset that so happened to be in the darkest corner of the yard. Janus ran to find Virgil, his heart broke at the sight of his little toddler curled up with eyes as large as Sause pans with water streaming down his chubby cheeks and his tail neatly wrapped around him as if to protect him from danger. "There, there, I'm sorry did I scare you?" Janus said in the softest tone manageable as he wrapped his arms around the little toddler.

Virgil shivered at the sight of Janus but instead of fighting him he gave in and snuggled into Janus' warmth, there he realised he drifted into the world of slumber.

Virgil walked around tirelessly as the pink substance below him comforted his bare-feet with his over-sized hoodie coming over his hands and going down to his knees as his leggings covered the rest of his legs...

Then he saw it......


Virgil immediately jumped into it and snuggled with it. Virgil took one final glance around this world only to realise its falling apart. He watched as the world broke and fell into the void below Virgil held the teddy tighter "Don't worry Virgil, you can see me next time, But until then you have to behave for Daddy ok?" Virgil looked up and realised it was the teddy that was talking to him "O-ok" Virgil sniffed "W-will yow be ok?" Virgil asked tears brimming in his eyes. " Of course I will! Ill always be here waiting for you!" The Teddy said very enthusiastically. It was then Virgil realised he had let go of the Giant Teddy. He looked at Teddy again as he saw that Teddy was fading "Well I got to go now! Ill see you later Vee-Vee!" Teddy said waving his goodbyes, Virgil gave Teddy one final hug before he fully faded. "Virgil, Wake up, Wake up V!" A voice boomed

Virgil opened his eyes to see his brothers waking him up; Remus and Remy. "Finally! We have been trying to wake you up for 1 minute boo! Damn Dad better get me some coffee I next time have to wait that long" Remy said very sassily "Ignore him, Do you want to see my new pet rat! I found him behind a dumpster!" Remus said obviously very excited "Swure" Virgil groggily replied as he didn't fully wake up from his nap.

Remy walked away with Remus since Remy was told to 'babysit' them both while Janus did some work upstairs "C'mon Virge" Remus called. Virgil ran to them with his little twig legs. The three set off to go into the backyard where Remus stashed all of his 'pets'. Remus thoroughly looked through his pets before picking up a grey rat with a cute button nose " See this is Barbra! She's as cute as Virgil!" Remus exclaimed as Virgil blushed at the complement.

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