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60 years passed by

Beca married Courtney a few years after Aubrey's wedding. The two were now happily married. They were grandmothers, and Beca was now 86 years old.

Throughout the past years, Beca was able to spend more time with Amy and Emily. That made her very happy. The three women would always update one another on what their lives were like. For instance, Amy told them that she had multiple houses all over the world. One house was for winter, one for summer, for parties, for vacation, and so on. Emily, on the other hand, was working nonstop on her multiple albums. She admitted that she felt inspired, especially after her breakup with Niall. That motherfucker cheated on her, so she dedicated a lot of songs to him. At the same time, she started writing songs based on her feelings for Benji. That guy still had a place in her heart. Whenever she heard his name, her eyes would sparkle.

Now, they were all old people. Amy was the same age as Beca, while Emily was 83 years old. Luckily, they were all healthy women without any complications. They heard that Stacie passed away recently due to a heart attack. It was unbelievable to think that those girls stuck by one another for the other 60 years. Usually, friendships last a couple of years, but they made sure to build a little family of their own. Amy and Bumper had five children who grew into beautiful adults. They became grandparents at the age of 60. They had a big family, and way too many nephews. Emily managed to also get married to a famous actor. However, they decided against having children. Their house was filled with pets. Even though they were old, they still had around four dogs and two cats. Beca always wondered how she could look after her pets even though she was an old lady. The brunette, who now has white hair, chose to adopt one child, and at the age of 74, she was informed that she was going to become a grandmother.

When she heard the news, she was beyond happy. From there on, she would always visit her two little nephews. Speaking of which, today they were coming over to visit her. They loved her so much because she would tell them very interesting stories. Their age were respectively 12 and 7. They were two little troublemakers. Chloe was the 12-year-old teen. Beca thought the name perfectly suited her. Her personality was just like her partner, she was crazy and very outgoing. At the same time, she also had ginger hair which would remind the old woman about Chloe all the time. The little scamp was instead Mason. He looked nothing like his sister. His hair was blonde and curly, and he would never listen to his parents. He was a rebel, pretty much.

Beca was sitting on her armchair sipping on some tea as she looked through her album. She flipped the page, and a postcard fell down. She picked it up, it was from Chloe Beale, and it read:

"One day, we will get married. We will move to a small island so I can get the ocean and sunny weather. You know how much I hate the cold. We can build our little family, and nobody is going to come between us. Promise me we will never break up, I love you way too much. If we ever go our separate ways, we will come back to one another. I love you so much, I wish you a happy birthday in the meantime."

As Beca read it, she remembered the time that she had to go through Chloe's cabinet just to find this postcard. The redhead changed her mind halfway through and thought that it was lame. The brunette reassured her that it was nothing close to lame. She found it adorable, and ever since she would always keep it by her side. Beca could not help but smile as she read it.

Not soon after, she heard Mason and Chloe storming in.

"Hey nana, what is that?" Mason asked.

Beca could not reply that the little boy snatched the postcard from her hands.

"Look, it's your name." the boy continued as he pointed to his big sister.

"Who is Chloe?" the teen asked.

"Would you like a storytime?" Beca asked knowing the answer.

"Yes!" they replied in unison.

"Hey mom. How are you?" Bella said as she kissed Beca on the forehead.

Beca chose to name her daughter after the Bellas. It would always remember her of the strong bond that existed between the women.

"Hey honey. I am good, and you?" she asked.

"I'm great. Is it ok if I leave those two over for a couple of hours? I have to work." Bella admitted.

"Don't worry. I will keep them distracted with my story." Beca winked.

"Thanks mom. Where is mom?" she questioned.

"Oh, she should be in the kitchen." Beca replied knowing that the woman was looking for Courtney.

"Have you heard the news?" the girl asked stopping for a second.

"What news?" Beca asked puzzled.

"Some CIA analysts were found trafficking drugs." Bella stated.

"I am not surprised. I am more surprised by the fact that I did not start to sell drugs when I was working for them." Beca chuckled.

"Nana was an agent?" Mason let out.

"Yes, she was." Bella replied smiling.

"So you learned ninja moves? Like in the movies?!" Mason asked.

"Like in the movies! I did know some ninja moves." Beca giggled.

"No Mason, it is nothing like the movies." the woman said as she looked at Beca. "Well, I will get going. Grandma will take care of you, ok?" she continued.

"Yes! Bye mom!" Mason replied kissing her on the cheek.

Chloe just waved at her as the woman walked out of the front door after stopping by to quickly talk to Courtney.

Once Bella closed the door behind her, the two kids sat in front of Beca waiting for her to tell her story.

"How come they like you so much?" Courtney chuckled.

"Because I tell them interesting stories." Beca smiled at her wife.

"Nana, can you tell us who Chloe is?" Mason requested.

"Oh, we are going there?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah." Beca sighed.

"Remember, you don't have to tell them everything." she continued.

"I know, but they deserve to know." Beca replied smiling.

"Ok, are you ready?" she asked her two nephews.

"Yes!" Mason replied.

"I am so excited." Chloe said.

Beca took a deep breath, "So, this is how it all started..."

A/N: What did you think of the story? I'm coming up with an alternative ending hehehehe.

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