The Snap

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As the mob approached, he urged his little legs to go faster, but you could only go so far in the body of a mal-nourished nine year old child. Who is this child being pursued and why is no one to his rescue or stopping the mob from committing such an atrocity? To answer that question, the child is none other than Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. And as to why he is being chased it because Kami along with Minato Namikaze, the Yodainme Hokage of the Village hidden in the leaves decided to come up with the brilliant idea that this child would be the new jailer of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, who in his right wasn't terrible but past experiences with humans(*cough*Uchiha*Cough).

Now back to the naruto who was running as his life depended on it, decided to take a turn and this proved to be unwise as not 30 feet away lay a giant wall, which he couldn't hope to climb any time soon with his small body and a depleted energy. Just as he began to prepare for the beating about to take place, they just ran past him and the corner he was in. Seeing this he hid his tiny body in the shadows and he stayed there until he was sure the coast was clear. Just as he was stepping out of his hiding spot a small child spotted and began yelling for the villagers to come as the so called 'demon' was cornered. As the villagers began to fill the alleyway blocking the only entrance and exit he silently pleaded to the forces above that a miracle be done to stop the onslaught.

The first one to take a step forward was a chunnin who quickly uncurled the whip attached to his back at the same time barking out a command "take of your clothes,demon scum" and naruto knowing what was to come did as he was told.As soon he was undressed one of the people in the mob used a water justu on him making drenched from head to toe, then without warning the whip came in contact with his skin.But before he could utter a cry the whip was upon him again, and again, and again, relentlessly as the ninja causing him such pain had no plan of stopping any time soon. To a passerby who just happened to pass this alley one would be able to hear the cries and screams of a child in agony and suffering, but to those in alley watching him thrash around and scream, they saw a demon who was getting exactly what he deserved.

Finally fter a furious lashing the chunnin attacking naruto decided to finish this as his arms were getting tired, delivered a lash that struck naruto in the eyes temporarily blinding him. As the villagers cheered at the sight of the child in pain,most people would have passed out from, some bold ones decided to grab the boy and each brandishing a kunai that glistened in the moonlight carved words into his skin. At some point one of the people said "I've had enough your screaming.Someone toss me a rope or something to gag him with." After a for a quick search for what to use a worn out chain was found and soon our favorite blonde was gagged with a chain that smelt of rust and mold. Soon the carvers were done and stepped back to admire their work,all over this childs body were whip marks and words like 'demon','devil spawn','cursed child' and other atrocities carved into his small frame,one would literally think he was a canvas with his pale skin and markings placed skillfully along his structure.

When the villagers were satisfied they just roughed him up before throwing his body into a dumpster in the alley.As they began to disperse naruto began to try to get out and limp his way home. key word being 'tried', after giving up and deciding to give into the approaching darkness he knew as soon as he woke up he needed to clean himself up.

Naruto's mindscape

Naruto woke feeling liquid all over him so he shot up and was met with a sight that he swore would have killed him right there. In front of him were two blood red eyes staring down at him, and a creature with orange fur and 9 mighty tails swaying behind him. The creature then growled "What are you doing here,kit", naruto was shaken by the voice and power coming from the tailed beast, so he answered truthfully not wanting to be making the creature angry "Honestly....sob...i dont even know". Immediately the creature felt sorry for the child in front him and then said"How are you holding up kid? I've seen what the villagers did to you and i just want you to know that i would never hurt you".Naruto felt a strange warmth coming from the creature before him and he asked the most logical question his young mind could come up with "Who are you? And where am i?".

"Well kit to answer your question, I am the kyuubi no kitsune, the nine tailed beast", naruto looked speechless and in fear, then the creature added "But you can call me Kurama" then grinned a toothy grin. Naruto felt a little bit better knowing the name of the creature before him and relaxed slightly. Kurama followed up with "And were in your mind,plus if your wondering how I'm here its because I'm sealed inside you". This caught naruto's attention as he started to hyperventilate ad suck in large amounts of air, after gaining ability of speech again he decided to ask "how are you a fox demon sealed within me an eight year old orphan and how are we in mind talking, i mean if were in my mind we would talking telepathically..."he kept firing questions at kurama who just smiled and thought 'well at least he's calm and curious' as naruto kept rambling kurama who had enough said "kit you want answers then here and im sorry cause this is gonna hurt". Naruto who finally calmed down heard this and said "what..." but before he could answer kurama extended one  of his claws and poked naruto's forehead which started to glow.

Why was it glowing you ask ? This was because Naruto was being filled with memories from the night the kyuubi attacked till now. And lets just say from the screams and cries coming out of naruto's little body it's safe to say the memories weren't pleasant. Little did kurama know that what he just did to Naruto would cause him to change forever.


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