Broken Things are Best

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"Broken things or broken people,
Which is best?
It doesn't matter 'cus I'm both" by me

Sorry for taking so long but shout to my boi Jiji pls check out his song Birthday on audiomack and Happy birthday Bro

Naruto's Pov
"It's amazing what the human body can do when you really push it to it's limit. And I plan on finding those limits and pushing them till I'm satisfied." 'Now, slowly they will feel my pain' was my thought. But what's this I hear?, the people of konoha begging me to not injure the uchiha.
"Well isn't that nice. You guys actually know how to express concern for people. But where was that concern when I was younger? Who was concerned about my safety when I was younger? I mean you would think the child of your favorite Hokage would at least be showed some form of human decency." I knew they would shut up after hearing that, I also knew there would be non-believers. And I was right when few people started saying that I was a liar. "Honestly I don't care if you believe or not but you can check the shinobi archives. Now back to you dumb fucks" my attention and anger now on sasuke and sakura. Haku then walked in with my equipment,I kissed her and I asked her to remove the blinds on their eyes.
As both of them got use to their surrounding, I was busy setting up my stuff on a table. Then I heard the bastard say"Oi dobe! Let me out of these bindings at once. Also where the hell are we?", Sakura asking the same thing for emphasis. I decided to just ignore them and finish setting up but apparently they were still talking "Hey dobe! I'm talking to you. Are you deaf? I said release me so I can can get some answers from whoever's in charge." At this I just started laughing and it wasn't any kind of laugh it was a 'bitch im about to fuck you up' kind of laugh. So I decide to answer with "First of all shut up your voice is almost as bad as sakura's. Second, where you are is none of your concern cause your gonna be here for a while and Third I'm in charge here." And thank aunt kami that immediately shut him up. But the silence wasn't sustained, " What do you mean your in charge? Your not smart enough or strong enough to do something like this. Also I want Haku" were the words of sasuke. "Yea! Now untie us and make yourself useful for once you idiot" sakura said agree with sasuke. And after listening to their words I knew that I made the right decision and I was going enjoy this.
"Ok! Now you've done it. Haku make sure the temperature is at 0°. And also please make sure those sacks of flesh are watching this." And Haku smiled at me and did as I asked and now I was ready to have some fun with these two.

Warning: Blood work begins
"Now this is what I'm finna do. If you can make it 5 minutes without screaming. I'll let you go." This was the game I offered them knowing they would lose but to make it more entertaining. And immediately like a couple of dumbass' they said "No" and I was filled with joy. So I grabbed my scalpel and gave them my signature grin,"Well I tried. Your loss" then in an instant I brought down on sasuke's eye. And to be honest it was beautiful watching blood ooze from under his eyes but out of the corner of my eye I saw the fear on sakura's face so I made a clone who happily went to town on her face. I mean he was going nuts, cutting,peeling and scraping.
Now my clone was carving her skin off her face completely drowning himself in her blood and her screams but I wanted more from sasuke so I took away his only asset. "I wonder if kaka-neesan needs another sharingan" I said staring right at his eyes then he started trashing and squirming as I could finally see and smell the fear reeking from him. "Hold still you little punk" was what I was trying to say in between trying to hold him still and trying to remove his eyes and relishing in his pain and suffering. Now the one thing I enjoyed outside their blood oozing out of their body was their screaming. I loved how their throats would shake while screaming as if it alleviate the pain or we would take pity on them and stop. But as their screams filled I felt my soul smile and laugh while demanding for more.
After finally getting them out and placing them in a jar to preserve them, I looked at myself and saw that I was covered in blood so I took of my coat and shirt. Now you maybe wondering how I'm shirtless in a room cold enough to freeze water, well the answer is I love the cold also I really want to tease Haku. So back to the blood works.
I dispelled my clone and stepped back to look at my work. And it was really good I mean Sakura without skin and sown lips. Plus best part was my clone had cut out her tongue, finally. But it was already healing itself. It was like looking at a titan with pink hair. Oh! Side note after meeting Kurama he introduced me to my now aunt Kami and mom Kaguya. So I know about the other dimensions and some other stuff. But sasuke's panting and heavy breathing brought me back so I told him "Shut up teme I'm trying to explain a reference to the people who want me to keep torturing you now hush!." As I was saying, so back to my heritage so I'm related to some powerful people but we'll talk about that later, I'm gonna go back to work. Now Sakura was messed up but Sasuke was blind and due to him moving during the "operation", I kinda messed up his face. It wasn't anything to much just a smile carved from his ears. So yeah! Now that I was done admiring my work I felt it was time for more so I focused their attention back on me. "Hey bubbles and joker you up?" and I got my answer in glares and bleeding from sakura while I got just heavy breathing and something that looked like a glare if he had eyes from sasuke.
"Now since you've been made aware of whose in charge. I think it time for some shock therapy. Haku would you help get kaka-neesan" I asked her knowing kakashi was needed for the next part. "Don't bother Haku! Naruto, I taught you to be a gentleman" came the voice of the perverted Copy ninja from somewhere I was to busy sweatdropping to notice. "Sorry kaka-neesan. Are you ready for it?" I asked worried that he would want to back out. But to my relief he said "Sure. I'm not exactly fans of these two. So let's do this."

Kakashi Pov
Now was time to "educate" my students on the consequences of harming my brother. I went to stand in between sasuke and sakura and waited for naruto and Haku to come do we could leave. In the mean time I inspected the damage done to my former students and let's say I was feeling anxious. I saw Sasuke huffing and trying to get out of his bindings and I shrugged just watching him try to escape. Finally Naruto and Haku arrived and surprisingly Zabuza came behind them.
So we teleported to the top of the Hokage monument. The third's to be exact. Then Naruto told the people of konoha to watch and gave me the signal to go ahead with the plan.

Third Person Pov
Now we see the crew standing at the top of the Hokage heads waiting. Then Naruto addressed the crowd "Now you scumbags are wondering what we may be doing up here. I won't say anything except that justice is about to come down and shock you all." Then we see kakashi looking at naruto like some crazy person and Haku with her head bowed from the horrible joke. Naruto didn't notice so just continued going and asked kakashi and Zabuza to proceed.
Now we see Zabuza covering the whole surface area with a water jutsu and Haku creating a platform for them to stand on. Naruto went up to Sakura and Sasuke and started cutting them open leaving their organs exposed. "We're about to conduct an experiment to find out if the human body can withstand pure unfiltered lightning. I wish you both best of luck", then we see him grin and say "Not".

Now lightning is a funny thing. Why? Because it can't be controlled. But here we see the sky rumbling and rain falling softly over konoha and lightning coming down. Then the lightning came to a halt in front of kakashi who just stood there like a billion bolts of lightning wasn't in front of him, and then it started circling Kakashi Hatake. And now he's stroking it like it some kind of pet, well it must have been since the "lightning" purred and rumbled as he kept doing so. Then after a weird tummy rub type situation with said "lightning" he turned to face his target and let it rain down upon them. Then the lightning went around the site they were and in an instant was down upon them. Lemme paint a paint a picture of what was happening as over a million volts of lightning attacked the two 12 year olds.
Now imagine if Cerberus (the dog of Hades,that watches the underworld) was in the form of a lightning and it was feeding time for this creature and Sasuke and Sakura were told slabs of meat. Yeah! That's how it was with the lightning biting and clawing them all 5he while shocking them. And this continued for about a minute but the screaming stopped after about thirty seconds 'cus they were probably dead.

Naruto's Pov
'I wonder if their bodies will all charred or it'll just be an organ or bone left' I thought 'Well I don't really care 'cus I have more douchebags to play with' and then I turned to Haku and asked her to go back to base. Now I thought of the best way to torture the whole of konoha then it came to me.
The best and most painful way to torture the population was to let them experience hell. Then I asked Haku for an ice mirror and she gave me one then I made the announcement, I said "Now that the light show is over, I'm gonna have fun with you lot. And I thought the best way was to make you experience the same treatment you all put me through so enjoy what happens next." Then the ice mirror in my hand crumbled and I used my eyes to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi on them and I felt my chakra spread out over the village like a wave. Then a big ass tree came out of the Hokage monument and started wrapping up the people who were marked for torture. Their screams and panic just made me grin and laugh, some resisted and attack the vines but it didn't take long for them to be overwhelmed and wrapped. After getting everyone I let the experience begin.
Not wanting to be outside any longer I took Haku and asked Zabuza to have his fun with any survivors or strugglers. "So, my princess. Does this please you?" Then she smiled at me and in the most sexy voice said "Yes it does. Now let's go in and celebrate, and who knows you may get lucky and get some." Right then and there I knew God was on my side as blood trickled down my nose.

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