Mass Appeal

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"If family is willing to betray you at your first mistake, then they were never your family to begin with" by Me

Naruto's Pov

Waking up had never been a reason for happiness in my young life, because it just meant that another day of pain and suffering was about to begin. I used to wonder was waking up really worth it? There's no point in pushing my body when I can just close my eyes and fade off into any other plane of existence, anything would be better than this. But when you wake up to a shining stream of jet black hair with a face so small and cute you could eat your heart out, you really start to think otherwise. And just when I thought my queen couldn't get any cuter,  she turns around and latches unto my chest. I don't even know how she got her arms around my sides but she did it and hell if I was gonna complain. And in that moment I finally felt a small sliver of happiness. I had a wonderful girl who loved me, a big brother who would to hell and back for me and a father-in-law who treated and respected me like a son. Plus...I do get to torture, maim, humiliate and do as I please with the people who caused me so much pain.

After my mind came back to the present I realized that my current issue was going to require some finesse. It wasn't an issue, so much as my girlfriend was holding unto me like i would shatter if she dared let go. I tried to slip out of her icy warm grip but she clung harder which made me think she would never let go, not that I wanted her. So I thought of a way to get out but it would require precise timing and the slightest mistake would have massive consequences. Taking a deep breath I channeled just a tiny bit of my chakra and switched with my large pillow, and as soon I was out her grasp I held my breath and waited. If I failed in this mission well I would die a happy man. And after a few seconds of stirring and mumbling she went back to sleep. So i used my "father's" technique and teleported out of the room. I was checking my sides to make sure she didn't accidentally bruise my ribs or worse fractured them with her soft, yet apparently bone breaking capable boobs. Yet i couldn't quite bring myself to be angry or displeased by her ample chest.

So after making sure my body was ok and my queen wasn't roused, I teleported to the top of the Hokage monument. The giant well carved faces resting peacefully with their gazes looking over the entire Konoha. Oh how I despised them! Not that I had problems with them personally, I just hated the one at the end. The rest of them I only disliked them for the way they handled the village and the only person I cared for outside the village and was my godmother, the famous Tsunade Senju. Known for her success in the medical ninjutsu, her horrible luck at gambling but the masses knew her as one of the most beautiful in all the elemental nations. Remembering my infamous godmother always brought a smile to my face. One of the very few women in my life who actually gave a damn about me. The same couldn't be said for her teammate and my useless godfather, Jiraya the Gallant. As far as he was concerned that "man" was dead to me. When I thought of what I would to him if he ever came around, I remembered that I had people outside the village who would be shown the error of their ways. I decided to take a quick walk around the village and see the pain and misery they were experiencing. So with a single step, I was currently free-falling from the mountain like structure. Not in much of a show-off mood I decided to use some of the shadows in the area to soften the landing. After gathering them in the spot I predicted I was going to land, I was pleased to see that my prediction was correct because instead of landing and shattering every bone and organ in my body(if i was normal and body wasn't as hard as damascus steel) I sank into the floor and re-emerged from my shadow world in one piece.

After confirming that I was okay I began my stroll through the village, reviling in the screams and wails I heard. I took pride in seeing the very same people that once dared lay their hands on me be reduced to husks and corpses. I passed by people curled up into balls in the middle of the street, so I decided to have a little fun with the bodies(not in the creepy way). I first entered into their minds where I was able to see what they were experiencing, they were currently being beaten by some civilians and what made this funny was that they were being beaten by their own family members. When I made the seal that would torture them, I not only gave them to my memories. I also made sure to mix in their worst fears so each person was met by their worst nightmare and for kicks I made the seal access their memories and pull anything traumatizing and recreate it. So finally deciding what I wanted to do I decided to just increases their pain receptors. And the difference was clear due to the increased screams and overload of pain that the brain couldn't handle. After admiring my handiwork I left their minds and watched as their brain and bodies simultaneously shut down. Deciding to leave before the smell of dead flesh invaded my body I moved on.

One hour, maybe two ,maybe five passed before I decided to head back home and cleanse myself of the filth which mainly consisted of blood and decay fluid. Stepping into the room, I was able to feel the wavy feeling of chakra. Knowing whose chakra it was all I needed to do was follow the temperature drop and the chattering of human teeth. After a few turns and some backtracking, sitting in the crystal clear tub of hot water was my queen looking down at the shivering curled up form of the legendary war hawk and his two lackeys. Deciding to finally have my bath I stripped out of my clothes and climbed into the very large tub with my unsuspecting love interest. "Back so soon? I thought you would be out there longer or be at the execution site." Not as unsuspecting as I thought. "I was gonna stop by there later and check out if they've regenerated or not. Plus I've had my fill of citizen punishment for the morning. On a different note, why are the three stooges here shaking like maracas in my bathroom." After I reached her I pulled into me so her back was against my(not to sound conceited) chiseled ab's . And her response was comforting yet chilling, "That would be because I wanted the old coops that made my love's youth so, so horrible, to suffer at my hands before I handed them over to Kakashi". All that she said with her hand stroking my cheeks before the temprature went down another notch and her hand became ice cold and she said "and for future reference it's OUR bathroom. Understood?" I just smiled and started channeling a little bit of chakra to cool my body down and said the only thing that was acceptable in this situation "Yes my sweet koala-ardor bear". Thankfully i said the right thing 'cus she took her hand off my chest and put it somewhere else, far beyond prying eyes and right there i knew i made the right call taking this bath.

After happy Hour

No One's Pov

After a thorough "washing and rinsing" of the two lovers, they decided to just stay on the floor with nothing but a silk robe adorning one another's body. Staring at ceiling just basking in the warmth and chill of each other's bodies. Haku was the first to break the silence, "So are we just going to lay hear all day or we going to get anything done?", after some consideration on his next words our favorite blonde said "We should get something done, shouldn't we? But before we do that let's go fill up on edible's before our stomach's have a mutiny. Sound good to you?". That accompanied with the little pokes he was giving her stomach was enough to draw a fit of giggles from those perfect little lips. Naruto seeing that his attack was working he decided to press on, crawling on top of her so he was straddling her, attacking from all sides with his quick fingers leaving Haku a giggling mess. Seeing the tears peeking from her eyes gave him reason to think she'd has enough, so he let up his tickle attack. 

"So, seeing as the major population of Konoha is out on the streets in sheer agony, who else pray tell is next on the chopping block?", Haku asked. Now that was something he had to think about, and she could tell he was going to need some time to answer. So she went on to dress both herself and her partner. Meanwhile in in Naruto's mind(a hell of its own making for any soul unfortunate enough to enter), our hero sits beside Kurama discussing who next should be punished. Until an idea pops into his dark mind and in the overwhelming darkness the only thing you'd be able to make out would be a pair of blood red eyes and ice cold blue eyes with grins so wide you'd question their mouth stretching capabilities. And in the real world just as Haku had finished giving herself a once over, Naruto regains movement and asks Haku a very important question. "Babe, how would you like to meet Kushina Uzumaki, The Red Hot Habanero and Minato Namikaze, The Yellow Flash and Fourth Hokage of Konoha aka My Parents?"  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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