The Beginning of the End

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At the end of this chapter i'm going to post a HIT LIST. Its the names of people who are going to be tortured starting from the next chapter. Comment the name of  the people u want to be to dissectedor mentally unstable. Those with more than 3 votes will actually be tortured. ENJOY Carnage.

Timeskip to During the Land of Waves mission(At the the bridge site)

His body stopped moving,his breathing slowed all while watching Haku, one of the first set of people he cared for get stabbed by a chidori. Naruto understood what death was from being so close to it to many times as a child of no more than 12. At this point Gato decided that he should make himself known to dueling ninja, "Shinobi of the hidden leaf,I thank you for assisting in getting rid of Zabuza and that bitch of an apprentice". Upon hearing the insult to haku who was a few minutes from dying, he began to walk towards where Zabuza was. Zabuza was ready to attack Gato and mutilate him on the spot, but he was already weak from battle from Kakashi. Then Sasuke said the most idiotic thing "Your welcome. I was gonna take her power then kill her for injuring me. But if she had begged me i might have pitied her and made her my slave."

As soon as the word 'slave' was uttered a roar, accompanied by a loud crack like a large wall of glass shattering into fragments was heard from Naruto along with killer intent that would make any Hokage piss himself. If you turned your head to see him you would no longer see the hyperactive knucklehead of konoha, what stood in his place was much scarier. Gone was the hiddeous orange attire, there was a now black and red shirt along with coat black as night that if you stared at it for too long you would lose sanity, with black anbu style pants. With bandages on his arms up till his wrist where fingerless gloves covered his palms and on his feet were black shinobi sandals with soles that looked like they were made for crushing skulls and bones. As the feeling of death and hopelessness reduced to a breathable rate ,damage was already taken by every single person standing on the bridge, gato was on his back paralyzed, half his thugs committed suicide and rest were paralyzed with fear. The ninja weren't that much better seeing as Zabuza and Kakashi were the only ones not suffering from internal bleeding but they were forced to take a knee. Then a familiar voice was heard in the midst of all the chaos and it said "Oh how the mighty have fallen. Sasuke and Sakura on their stomachs begging for air . The things i have planned for you guys". Kakashi's reasoning was 'What is he going to do? Is he finally going to get revenge, if so... ' suddenly he felt his energy and chakra restored, and  as he was pulled to his feet ,his lips formed a grin underneath his mask, he thought 'this is gonna be fun'.

Turning to Zabuza and Haku who was nearing the afterlife, he walked over and put his hand on her chest "I, Naruto Otsutsuki, son of Shinagami no Kami deny Haku the right to pass into the next life. Now return and stay in your physical form". Then just like avatar aang when he took away ozai's bending, there were was some lightwork and then the faintest breath was seen coming from haku. After confirming that she was alive he asked Zabuza if he was willing to follow him on his quest for revenge, then like a smart person would ask zabuza requested for the reason why a child with the powers of a god would want revenge. Naruto's answer was "I'll tell when we get there,Kakanii-san please grab sasuke and sakura also..." "You little punk! I'll kill you and your friends" and so began gato's rant, as he was about to continue he felt the eye's of god looking down and judging him. Then a voice says "Gato for the crimes against the Wave country and your past crimes I Naruto Otsutsuki sentence you to a 100 years of torment in hell. You shall bear my mark so my uncle knows the kind of appropriate punishment for someone of your standing. Now begone." And just like gato was gone from the face of the earth. "So kakashinii-chan,Zabuza are you ready face to the source of all my trouble's?" naruto said. Their answers were "Fo' sho","I don't have anything better to do plus you need a swords master if your going to learn how use my sword. But we may need to rest up considering it's a week's journey to konoha on foot". Naruto's reply was "Who said anything about walking?" And before zabuza could reply he saw naruto's hand on his shoulder and next thing they were on top of the hokage tower. 

Now shock was the dominant feeling among the only 2 conscious people apart from naruto, people like sasuke,sakura and haku who were still knocked out from the K.I incident at the bridge and enjoying the bliss and comfort of a mini paradise made specially by naruto to relax till she woke up respectively. Then naruto created a few shadow clones to do what needed to be done. For example, two clones were to take sasuke and sakura to the giant secret bunker in the fourth hokage's head were he would do as he pleased with them. While 3 were to escort zabuza,kakashi and haku to his hideout in the village to rest and to explain the plans he had in store for Konoha. The rest were to go and acquire or scout the rest of the people on his list. When he was left alone he went into the mindscape and stood infront of an uncaged Kurama who was busy grinning and said the words that would begin the apocalypse of Konoha "Let the games begin. 'Cus payback's a bitch .

Comment and Let the fun begin

Hit List
3.Hiashi Hyuga
4.Tsume Inuzuka
5.Ino Yamanaka
6.Every civillian minus children
7.All shinobi minus the rookie 11(minus sasuke,ino,sakura),anko,ibiki,kozestu,izumo,ibiki and genin
8.Rookie 11 sensei's
9.Danzo Shimura and the council advisors
12.All clan heads except the Nara's,Yamanaka and Akimichi

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