❀ h e l l o ❀

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L a n i  &  t h e  C i t y  B o y

hello! welcome to my first dialogue story!

i have been waiting so incredibly long to publish this book; i just wanted to make sure it was perfect for you guys!

this book mainly consists of short, snappy chapters, which are really easy to read!

there are a few traditionally written chapters though.

i know that it's different to other books, but i really enjoyed writing it nonetheless.

here are a few disclaimers
before reading.

→ the lowercase is intentional.

→ there are some cultural references in this book and i apologise if any of them are incorrect. i got a lot of the information from google and pinterest; please politely correct me if i am wrong.

→ this book is completely my own (besides the odd dialogue prompt from pinterest). i have seen a few books similar to this, but i have tried to make it different.

→ be prepared for cringe worthy moments.

→ the quotes at the beginning of each chapter have no relevance to the plot; they are just there for aesthetic. i do go through life with a lot of those quotes in mind though.

→ just pretend that time zones aren't a thing- the two characters would technically have six hours between them, but that concept does not exist in this book.

→ this book does contain swearing.

noah - lani


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