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❝ i think the day we figure out everything about our lives, is the day we die ❞


9th of june, 2018



"Hey," Lani smiled through tears as she registered the familiar voice.

"Everything okay?" Noah asked with his deep, husky voice laced with concern. "Are you crying?"

"No, no. I'm fine. I just wanted to talk," the girl on the other end of the line wipes her tears away. She didn't want to seem weak to Noah, but crying had always been her downfall.

"Lan, I can tell something's up. You don't have to talk about it, but I promised that I'd always be here," Noah spoke flawlessly; however, his breathing slightly hitched every time a sob erupted from his phone. "And I never break a promise."

Once Lani had controlled her breathing, she placed her phone on loud speaker and sat up on her bed. Noah did the same.

"I was at the hospital today," she said softly, whilst running her fingers through her thick, curly hair.

"Volunteering right?" Noah inquired.

A small cough came from Lani, "Well, I have been volunteering," she hesitated to continue, "But today I was there because, well, um."

Noah was usually great in situations like these. He always had the right words to say, the right cards to play. But with Lani, it was like he'd never had social interaction with a human before.

The comfort of his phone screen always allowed him to sympathise with Lani, but now, hearing her voice, it was like all that came out was air.

A silence fell on the call for a few seconds before Lani continued, "Do you remember cold soup?"

Noah was confused for a moment; he pulled a questioning face to himself. After a moment of thinking, he'd remembered the significance of the name.

Cold soup was the guy who got Lani suspended; who picked on her brother.

The name seemed stupid really, but in actual fact, it was but all fitting to the guy.

Come on, nobody wants to eat cold soup.

Noah nodded but then forgot that Lani couldn't see him, so he let out a breathless "Yes."

"He hit me today," Lani's voice was shaky, but it came out in a fast pace. It was like she had been holding it in.

Noah couldn't even fathom why anyone would hit Lani. It was a foreign concept to him. "That's horrible," was all he managed to come up with in response.

All he really wanted to do was sit and hold her, kiss her until she was better.

Another comfortable silence fell on the call, both Noah and Lani listening to the breathing of one another through the phone line.

Lani sat with puffy eyes, cuddling up to her dog, Negan for comfort. Even if Noah didn't have a lot to say, she still felt safe knowing he was on the other line.

"I was sticking up for Mika again. We were at the beach," Lani recalled the previous events of her day, "He called her fat and then proceeded to call me a slut because of the revealing bikini I was wearing. So I hit him," she paused for a moment, "but he hit back harder."

Noah was taken aback by that; those words were the last words he would use to talk about anyone, "How can the world be full off such unique, diverse, beautiful people, but then is mangled with no good assholes like that?"

"You tell me," Lani smiles to herself, admiring ever single word Noah said. She thought everything he said was perfect, whilst Noah thought he couldn't even get the words out.

"You were at a beach for gods sake! What did he expect you to do? Rock up fully clothed? And does he even know the definition of "slut"? I'm pretty sure your outfit choices have nothing to do with it," Noah huffed, feeling some sort of hatred towards this anonymous cold soup person. Now rilled up, he could finally get his words out.

Lani smiled at this; she felt protected, even if Noah wasn't really there. "Thank you for being so supportive Noah, I appreciate it."

In actual fact, Noah just wanted to hug Lani, tell her that she is beautiful. Run his fingers through her hair that he knew smelt like watermelons and kiwis.

Lani still admired his words though.

She would usually talk to Mika about things like this, but since she was with Lani at the time, she didn't think it was necessary.

Mika had quite a prominent reputation of being, well, ruthless. So after Lani got called a slut at the beach, Mika told her to "suck it up".

Lani loved Mika like a sister- she was supportive, but not sympathetic. And sometimes Lani needed the sympathy.

Noah gave her that.

Noah gave her everything.

Happiness, a sense of belonging, he made her feel longed, he inspired her to be a better person.

And to put that simply, she loved him.


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