Chapter 5

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Blake said " his name is Sid BunderSlaw, President of Physics at Wayne Enterprises, died by a ice pick".

I said " A ice pick is not professional, Somebody angry did this". Debbie pulled a coin out of the neck of Sid.

I said " The Gotham Goat, he was a serial killer years ago, but the goat only kills young rich 1st born".

Blake said " Maybe he switched his MO".  Blake said " Maybe, I don't think so, I think Sid was the first born".

I said " he only kills young 1st born, I don't know who this is".

Debbie gasped and said " Deadshot, he now works for the Lo Boyz". I said " he the best assassin in Gotham".

Blake said " it has to be him, we have to go". We all walked outside and got in the car. I put in the key and hit the gas.

Arthur's POV:

Me and Hayden walked into my office, she helped me sit down. I said " thank you". I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

Hayden said " so my ex husband talk to you as a ghost to tell you to kill Victor Zsasz".

I nodded. I said " you may not believe me, I'm a good man and I have to get right with Jack".

Hayden said " just give him the death penalty". I said " no, I have to kill him".

Hayden yelled " you can't just go around killing people, we have a life, a baby".

I got up and yelled " Jack deserves peace". I slammed my fist on the table. Hayden smacked me.

I stopped myself from hitting her. I said " I'm killing Victor Zsasz and I'm going to do it with or with out your help".

Hayden said " I'm not a killer". I yelled " So back in the old days with you, Jack, John and James, you guys were not blowing off people's heads".

Hayden smacked me again, she said " don't yell at me, I want a divorce and you can't change that".

I sat on my desk and said " go, go, go get the divorce papers, I'll sign them".

Hayden flipped me off and walked out. I got up and picked up my computer. I threw it on the ground.

I picked up my papers and threw them down. I picked up the picture of me and Hayden and threw it out the window.

I yelled.

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