The Flood of '99 Chapter 58

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Jack's POV:

A voice came on the intercom, he asked " is this thing on". I asked, " who is this"?

The man said, " I don't know anymore, you left me, to die". I asked, " who the fuck are you"?

The Man said, " Jack, 31 years ago, think back, what happened in this great city"?

I said " The Great Flood of '99-, oh my god, Eric, Eric Nygma"? The Man said " no, the Rhymer", there were laughs.

I said, " look, Eric, let's go to Arkham, you can be sane". Eric said " You're all prisoners. What you call sanity, it's just a prison in your mind that stops you from seeing that you're just tiny little cogs in a giant absurd machine. Wake up!".

I said, " look, Eric, I can make your life better, look at me, I'm the Mayor".

Eric said " Jack, you left me, when Jessica died, to get sane, So, I got rid of your little Brucey".

I yelled " you took him away". Eric said " you didn't help me with Jessica, you killed Bruce, not me, sure, it was my men, but you, cut the knife deeper , My brother betrayed me, Vic Zsasz, and Carmine fucking Falcone".

I said " last offer, I can get you help, The police will be here any minute, give up now".

Eric said " I will lead this city to hell, I have bombs on the bridges and the dams, anyone in the crossfire dies, I will kill Falcone if its the last thing I do, I'm 50, I don't care if it takes 20 more years, he dies".

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