Chapter 10

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Arthur's POV:

I got up and walked out of my office. I said " Lindsay, I'm leaving for the day, lock up".

I pressed the button for the elevator. The doors opened. I walked in and hit the button for the bottom floor.

The doors shut.

----Time Skip---- , 2 minutes later.

The doors opened. I walked outside. Cameras snapped. A reporter asked " how do you feel about your new divorce"?

How does the public even know about my divorce, it happened like 5 minutes ago.

I replied " well, love falls out some times and, um, it's fine, I'm doing good, we're going to go to court for the custody of our child, William".

I pulled out my phone and called my limo driver, he answered the phone.

I said " pull in front of city hall now". My limo pulled up. I got in and shut the door.

I asked " do you got my cigarettes"? My limo driver handed them to me.

I pulled one out and lit it. I put it in my mouth and breathed in. I coughed.

Dean's POV:

Debbie walked out of the ME's office. I yelled " Debbie, can you come up here".

I sat down at my desk. Debbie walked into my office and sat down. I said " so the General for the US Army came in here today, he needs me in the army".

Debbie said " we get married in a month, my answer is no". I said " Debbie, let me help".

Debbie said " don't get killed, I'll postpone our wedding". I said " thank you Debbie, it'll only take a few months".

Debbie got up and walked out. Gunshots rang. I grabbed my AK and looked outside.

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