The track team

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The cute Meif'wa was still talking to Mr. Diaz when a girl with beige skin, blue eyes, and lavender hair up in a ponytail approached them. She also had a light indigo bow on the back of her head. The girls gave each other a fist. Looks like they're friends. The ponytail girl tried to help her friend out of detention. I wasn't very close to them so I didn't hear all of the chat. I only heard that Mr. Diaz went through divorce. Yikes! Now I feel bad for this man. I dont know what they said but I looked like they got it. The lavender haired girl smiled and turned around to look for a spot to sit. I noticed that Mr. Diaz was still talking with the cute girl. The teacher said something about her older sister but nothing else. She was finally free to go sit on her desk.

The two girls were looking for somewhere to sit. They headed to the back. While I was looking at them I noticed a boy with beige skin and dark grey hair. He looks familiar. I tried to take a good look on his face. Omg! That's Hunter! I don't remember seeing him when I entered the classroom. I'm gonna talk to him later.


I jumped when I heard Mr. Diaz said that. "Please take your seats." He started introducing himself but I already knew him. He wasn't very nice to me last year. "Now, take a look around. You're all students of junior year class A. Take a good look because I'm sure some of you will be transfering out of my class once you realize how horrible I can be." You don't say. "... That's a joke." The teacher said with a straight face. I started looking around to see if I recognized any of the students here but luck wasn't on my side today. I only knew Hunter which was a relieve. Atleast I know one person here.
"Please be aware from this day forward this homeroom will be a free period. I do expect you to use your time wisely enough to study for whatever tests you may have. Contemplate your meaningless existence whatever you please." The room was quiet like a graveyard. "Well..., tough crowd. No one can take jokes these days it seems. Okay-"


Yes, the bell. I was waiting for it the whole time. "Anyways , I look forward to be working with you all this year and I'll see those of you who have my chemistry class later in the day. Class dismissed!" And with that Mr. Diaz was finally done too. I stood up from my chair and grabbed my books. Uuhhhhhh.... I've been here for one hour and my back is hurting like hell. Well, now I have time to talk to Hunter. I turned around to look for him but he was already at the door. How is he so fast?! I started running after him. "Hunter! Hey! Wait up!"

Hunter turned around and looked at me. "Y/N, is that you?" I finally caught up to him. "Yup, it's me. How are you doing? Still running at your free time?" He chuckled " You know me. Are you still good at running? I haven't seen you since last month." "Yeah, I'm good. Do you wanna run tomorrow before school. If you don't have anything planned I mean." "No, I don't. I'll meet you tomorrow at 6, okay?" "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then." I waved Hunter goodbye and headed to the next class. He's still the same person I met in the first year of high school. He was my only friend back then. He was very good at running so I thought I could give it a try. Now I run everyday and I really enjoy it.

I was walking in the hallway when I saw a poster. I'm usually not very interested in these things but this time i wanted to see. I grabbed the paper and my eyes sparkled with joy. It was about the track team. I really wanted to try for it. After all, Hunter was the one who thought me everything. The cut was after school. I was determined to go and try it. I put the paper in one of my books and continued to walk to class with a big smile on my face.

*time skip*

I changed into my gym clothes and was ready to try for the track team. I walked to the field and saw three girl and the coach. Only three girls? That's a suprise. But then I noticed another girl with cat ears. I couldn't believe it. It was the same girl from homeroom. She too looked excited. Wait... is she trying for the track team too? I can't believe it. If we get in, I'll try to introduce myself to her. It was time for us to get ready. I was in imposition and the only thing on my mind was that girl. I can't wait to see her in action. We heard the shot from the gun and started running. I was trying to focus and started remembering all the stuff Hunter told me. "I don't see anyone near me. Am I first?" I can't believe this. I'm winning! I crossed the line in no time. I sat on the ground, exhausted. I turned my head to see the Meif'wa girl. She was doing pretty good but she got fourth place. I hope she gets in. We'll see tomorrow.

After we were done I was ready to go home but I noticed the cat girl heading to the coach. I didn't want to be a stalker or something but I really wanted to hear what was going on.
"Um... excuse me... coach?" The coach turned his attention to the student. "How did I do?" Her voice was so shy and adorable when she said that. The coach's impression changed into a disappointing one. "You did well... but I'll be posting my results tomorrow after school." "But... can I know now?" "Like I said, the results will be posted tomorrow. Now I need to-" The girl got on her knees and clenched her hands together. " Please, I just wanna to know if I was good enough. Please?" She was desperate and adorable with her cute kitty eyes. The coach sighed "Look... you did really well. You showed a lot of promise but I'm sorry." Oh no. You can't be serious. Her expression also changed and her eyes were filled with sadness.  "You were just under the cut by a few places." "But..." The girl tried to speak. "Listen, you're good, you just need more training. I'm sure with a year of training you'll be able to make the cut." She immediately stood up. " What if I get better within a month? Can I try again then?" The coach's smile returned to his face. "Then, please..." " Look, normally this is frowned upon." She turned into her position again. "Please" " But we have a scrimmage with najara in two months. Bring your A game and I'll let you try again." She stood up, her eyes grew bigger with start in them. " Thank you, thank you, thank you." "And now... just get out of here." The coach said with his smile still on his face.  "Thank you so much. You won't regret this." Then she started running towards the school building. She was far from the coach be she screamed anyway. "I'LL TRAIN EVERY DAY!" "GET OUT OF HERE." She's so stubborn and adorable. I hope we'll be friends in the future. And with that I started walking home with this girl still on my mind.

Yes, a bigger chapter 😂😂
From now on I'll try to make the chapters bigger and more interesting I guess.
I hope you like my story.
And if there's any mistake or grammar mistake, I'm very sorry 😅

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